Lecture 3 - Cosmos and Humanity Flashcards
Eph. 1:3-14
God’s eternal purpose and plan included the choosing of believers in Christ
John 1:1-3
God the Son, as the Word, created all things
Col. 1:16-17
The Son created all things, both visible and invisible
Heb. 11:3
By faith we understand that God created the world ex nihilo
Matt. 6:25-34
God’s providential care of birds, lilies, and grass
Heb. 1:14
Angels are ministering spirits sent for those who will inherit salvation
Rev. 12:3-9
“Satan” is equated with the “Devil,” the dragon who leads the wicked angels
Rev. 20:1-10
Satan will be cast into the abyss for the duration of the millennium
Matt. 19:1-10
In God’s original design, marriage is monogamous, heterosexual, and permanent
1 Tim. 2:8-15
Women are not to have teaching authority over men in the church assembly
James 2:26
The body without the spirit is dead
1 Cor. 15:20-23
Christ as the “last Adam” brings life to those who died in Adam
Rom. 5:12-21
Through the obedience of Jesus comes righteousness and life, in comparison with Adam
Rom. 8:20-22
Sin affected creation, which moans in bondage
Rom. 13:1-7
Believers should be subject to the government and honor government leaders