Lecture 3: Communication Flashcards
What are the 5 functions of nonverbal communication in relationships?
- (1) Providing information — a person’s behavior allows others to make inferences about his or her intentions, feelings, traits, and meaning
- (2) Regulating interaction — nonverbal behavior provides cues that regulate the efficient give-and-take of smooth conversations and other interactions
- (3) Defining the nature of the relationship — the type of partnership two people share may be evident in their nonverbal behavior
- (4) Interpersonal influence — goal-oriented behavior designed to influence someone else
- (5) Impression management — nonverbal behavior that is managed by a person or a couple to create or enhance a particular image
What is self-disclosure and why does it lead to closeness?
- self-disclosure: the process of revealing personal information to someone else
- It promotes closeness because:
- (1) If we’re attracted to others, we tend to be more open with them
- (2) We tend to like others because we have self-disclosed to them
- (3) It’s rewarding to be entrusted with self-disclosures from others
- Compared to those who engage in more superficial small talk, people who have substantive, deep conversations and who make themselves known to others enjoy better health and more satisfaction with life
- One of the most important communications: tell others you love them, verbally — it’s beneficial to them and to you
What is social penetration theory?
- social penetration theory: relationships develop through systematic changes in communication
- People are likely to start off a conversation with superficial topics, but if they find it rewarding, they try to move closer by increasing two aspects of their communication:
- (1) Its breadth: the variety of topics they discuss, and
- (2) Its depth: the personal significance of the topics they discuss
What is disclosure reciprocity?
- disclosure reciprocity: new partners tend to match each other’s level of openness, disclosing more as the other person does, and disclosing less if the other person’s self-disclosure declines
- Later, pattern of exchange of information is less rigid
When might self-disclosure have negative outcomes?
- Disclosing highly personal information too early & disclosing to anyone who will listen – viewed negatively about others
- Can’t make blanket statements about self-disclosure
- Discussing topics considered off-limits for given stage of relationship (taboo topics)
What are taboo topics and how do they impact relationships?
- Explicitly or implicitly, partners may agree to steer clear of taboo topics, sensitive matters that, in their opinion, may threaten the quality of their relationship.
- Curiously, the most common taboo topic is the state of the relationship itself
- Current and past relations, and sexual experiences, are often avoided
- The more taboo topics there are in a relationship, the less satisfied the partners are unless they feel that they’re avoiding touchy topics to promote and protect their relationship
What are high openers?
- high openers: People who are better at drawing more intimate information out from others more quickly
- Appear more attentive during conversation—gazing and nodding more, and looking interested—and they verbally express more interest in what others are saying
- They seem to be absorbed by what others have to say, so they tend to be very good interviewers
What is the role of self-disclosure in long-term relationships?
- In longer-term relationships (LTRs), partners continue to disclose
- Sometimes something about self the partner does not know
- But more often about daily experiences and future aspirations
- Both are important
- Responses to these disclosures can foster intimacy and encourage future disclosures
- OR can undermine connection and discourage future disclosures
What is Reis & Patrick’s (1996) intimacy process model (or interpersonal model of intimacy)?
(1) Meaningful self-disclosure — characterized by authenticity, openness, and honesty
(2) Respond to each with interest and empathy
(3) Perceived partner responsiveness — your partner judges you as being responsive
What is the interpersonal gap?
- interpersonal gap: when the sender’s intentions differ from the effect on the receiver
What is responsiveness and what are its 3 components?
- responsiveness: attentive and supportive recognition of one person’s needs and interests by another
- Measured via partner self-report as perceived partner responsiveness
- There isn’t an “objectively correct” responsive interaction – there’s worse way to do it than others, but it’s important that the other person thinks you did a good job
- 3 components:
- Feeling understood – this is particularly important
- We have to listen with the intent to understand
- Go beyond the superficial meaning (read between the lines, notice facial expressions and tone)
- Ask questions to encourage elaboration and check your own assumptions about what they feel
- Feeling valued, respected, and validated
- Validation of our partners that acknowledges the legitimacy of their opinions and communicates respect for their positions is always a desirable goal in intimate interaction
- Feeling understood – this is particularly important
- Feeling cared for
What is nonverbal sensitivity and why is it important in relationships?
nonverbal sensitivity: the sensitivity and accuracy with which couples read, decode, and correctly interpret each other’s nonverbal behavior
- Can predict how happy their relationship will be
- When nonverbal exchanges fail, there may be errors in encoding or decoding, or both
- Women typically start with an advantage at both tasks because, if no deception is involved, women are both better encoders and more astute decoders than men are on average
Explain Noller’s findings on gender differences in nonverbal sensitivity.
- Noller (1980): Husbands in unhappy marriages sent more confusing messages and made more decoding errors than happy husbands did
- No differences among the wives, so the poorer communication that Noller observed in the distressed marriages appeared to be the husbands’ fault.”
- On the other hand, Noller (1981): In unhappy marriages, both the husbands and wives understood strangers better than they understood each other
- Noller (2006): Once partners grow dissatisfied for any reason, they tend to start tuning each other out, and that causes them to communicate less adeptly than they could if they really tried
- Just as with empathy, it’s not that men are unable to have such sensitivity, but that women are generally more motivated to
- With coaching, men can also be high in nonverbal sensitivity
What are the benefits of responsiveness?
- People who perceive their relationship partners as more responsive feel more close, satisfied, and committed to those relationships
- Promotes intimacy by encouraging self-disclosure, trust, and interdependency
- The basic tenet of secure relationships is responsiveness
Explain Collins & Feeny’s (2004) experiment on attachment styles and perceived responsiveness.
- Romantic couples
- Told 1 member would give speech that will be taped and evaluated by a group of other students
- Spontaneous (videotaped interaction)
- Partner delivered the speech
- Just after they delivered the speech, they received a note of support from partner
- Note predetermined by researchers and simply copied by partner
- Unambiguous/high support
- Ambiguous/low support
- DVs – asked the person who received the note:
- How supportive was the note?
- How supportive was your partner’s behaviour before the speech (i.e. before they ostensibly wrote the note)?
- Results: All Ps rated unambiguously supportive notes positively
- However, for the ambiguous notes, Ps who were more insecurely attached rated the notes as more inconsiderate and upsetting
- Furthermore, insecure Ps who received the ambiguous notes rated partner’s prior behaviour (i.e. before they wrote the note) as less supportive
- Conclusion: Working models of self and others can bias perceptions of support experiences
What is capitalization and what are its benefits?
- capitalization: responding with enthusiasm or excitement when a partner/friend shares good news
- A process with 2 components:
- One person shares good news with another
- The other person responds with enthusiasm and excitement
- Both increases enjoyment or pleasure about the event
- AND enhances the relationship itself
- Feel closer to those who enhance our excitement about personal successes
- Relationships in which capitalization occurs more often are more satisfying and longer lasting
What is empathic accuracy?
empathic accuracy: capability to accurately infer what another person is thinking or feeling
- In other words, understanding what they are trying to communicate (verbally and/or nonverbally)
- Or what they’re not communicating (reading between the lines)
- In other words, understanding what they are trying to communicate (verbally and/or nonverbally)
- Ability to have empathic accuracy (almost like “mind reading”) is positively associated with
- Familiarity
- Motivation to be accurate
- What about gender; are women more empathically accurate?
Explain Study 1 in Klein & Hodge’s (2001) experiment on gender and empathic accuracy.
- 121 undergraduates (71 F, 50 M)
- Procedure: Watched video of a woman being interviewed after receiving negative academic feedback
- Instructed to try to infer the thoughts and feelings of the target (empathic accuracy task)
- Also a completed sympathy questionnaire - either BEFORE (priming them to think about sympathy) or AFTER the empathic accuracy task (control group)
- Also measured extent Ps felt range of emotions after watching the video (e.g. alarmed, grieved), wanted to control for what the participants were feeling since empathic accuracy is about imagining how the other person would feel
- DV: Empathic accuracy
- 4 independent judges coded the accuracy of Ps’ inferences (compared to the experience reported by the target in the video)
- Results: Females more accurate than men – but only when given the sympathy questionnaire before doing the empathic accuracy task
- Conclusion: When cued into the fact that a task is about empathy, the women outperform the men – presumably because they are more motivated to perform well (i.e. match the stereotype that women are more empathic than men)
Explain Study 2 in Klein & Hodge’s (2001) experiment, attempting to increase men’s empathic accuracy motivation.
- 108 undergraduates (53 F, 54 M)
- Procedure:
- Watched the same video of a woman being interviewed after receiving negative academic feedback
- Completed a sympathy questionnaire BEFOREHAND
- Instructed to try to infer the thoughts and feelings of the target
- Money condition: also told that would receive $2 for fully correct answer, $1 for somewhat correct answer, no money for incorrect answer
- Control condition: no additional instructions
- DV: Empathic accuracy
- Result: Females more accurate in the control condition
- But no gender differences in the money condition
- Differences between women in the control and money conditions are also insignificant
- Conclusion: gender differences in empathic accuracy are due to motivation, not ability
What are the 3 main sources of gender differences in communication?
- Topics of conversation:
- (1) Women more likely to discuss feelings; men more likely to discuss objects or events; i.e. being more expressive vs. instrumental – when they’re talking to each other
- However, when young adults chatted with strangers online using written messages, they were generally unable to correctly guess the sex of the person they were chatting with if the researchers didn’t tell them
- The sorts of things that distinguish men’s and women’s conversations (such as the latest sports results) rarely came up, so there was usually no way to determine with whom one was chatting
- (2) Women more likely to have serious discussions; men more likely to make jokes (again, when it’s with the same gender)
- These differences less apparent when men and women interact with each other, but women are still more self-disclosing than men in relationships
- Men are more likely to open up to women than men, which means they often depend on women for emotional warmth and intimacy
- (1) Women more likely to discuss feelings; men more likely to discuss objects or events; i.e. being more expressive vs. instrumental – when they’re talking to each other
- Style of conversation:
- (3) Women speak less forcefully, directly than men
- Women speak more often (but are also interrupted more) than men – maybe because they constantly have to start over due to being interrupted
- Sometimes men don’t disclose & sometimes women don’t effectively disclose
- (3) Women speak less forcefully, directly than men
How do androgynous men fair in intimate interactions?
- Androgynous men tend to have meaningful, intimate interactions with both sexes just as women do
- Only traditional, macho-men aren’t likely to disclose to other men
- The typical intimacy of a person’s interactions is tied to his or her level of expressivity; it doesn’t matter whether the person is a man or woman.
- Expressivity is a trait that ranges from low to high in both women and men, so it makes more sense to take note of individual differences in communicative style than to lump all men together and treat them as a group distinct from women
blirtatiousness: whether you can blurt out your thoughts in a rapid-fire manner or need a lot of time to think about their words
- Androgynous men aren’t bothered by highly blirtatious women, but traditional guys tend to be dissatisfied in the long run when they are paired with assertive, talkative women