Lecture 3: Asset Pricing II (CCAPM, ICAPM, APT models) Flashcards
Consumption CAPM (CCAPM): - ?-factor model Asset returns ~ growth rate in aggregate ? if parameters of t' linear relationship are ?over time. - avoid ? critique.
Consumption CAPM (CCAPM): - Single-factor model Asset returns ~ growth rate in aggregate consumption if parameters of t' linear relationship are constant over time. - avoid Roll critique.
Consumption CAPM (CCAPM):
- Amount of risk = extent to which ?? moves with consumption growth.
- The higher the ? bet. asset returns & consumption growth, t ? we perceive tβ asset.
Consumption CAPM (CCAPM):
- Amount of risk = extent to which risk premium moves with consumption growth.
- The higher the covariance bet. asset returns & consumption growth, t riskier we perceive tβ asset.
CCAPM: E(Ri) = ?*? where C = a consumption-tracking portfolio Ri = return on asset i RP_C = risk premium associate with consumption uncertainty = RP_C = E(R_C ) = E(r_C )-rf
CCAPM: E(Ri) = π½_i,C * RP_C where C = a consumption-tracking portfolio Ri = return on asset i RP_C = risk premium associate with consumption uncertainty = RP_C = E(R_C ) = E(r_C )-rf
π½_πΆπ= ?/?
π½_πΆπ=(πΆππ£πππππππ πππ‘π€πππ π _π πππ ππππ π’πππ‘πππ ππππ€π‘β )/(πΆππ£πππππππ πππ‘π€πππ π _π πππ ππππ π’πππ‘πππ ππππ€π‘β)
Ξ²_M,C is not necessarily equal to ?.
Ξ²_M,C is not necessarily equal to 1.
CCAPM: Issues:
- ? issues
- ? empirical performance
- ? outperform CAPM.
CCAPM: Issues:
- Data issues
- Weak empirical performance
- Not outperform CAPM.
Intertemporal CAPM (ICAPM) - ?-period, ?-factor model. - Investors optimise ? over time when faced with uncertainty. => investors will form multiple portfolios to ? against each of these risks β a ?-? CAPM.
Intertemporal CAPM (ICAPM) - Multi-period, multi-factor model. - Investors optimise consumption over time when faced with uncertainty (e.g. prices of consumer goods, labor income, future investment opportunities). => investors will form multiple portfolios to hedge against each of these risks β a multi-beta CAPM
- Market portfolio is no longer tβ ? ? portfolio in tβ sense thβ itβs a single choice for investors along with combinations of ?? asset.
- In ICAPM equilibrium, investors will hold a combination of:
> ?? asset
> ? portfolio
> ? portfolios.
- Market portfolio is no longer tβ optimal tangency portfolio in tβ sense thβ itβs a single choice for investors along with combinations of rf asset.
- In ICAPM equilibrium, investors will hold a combination of:
> risk-free asset
> market portfolio
> hedging portfolios.
β? variablesβ: any variables included in tβ model must have ? power as far as future asset ? are concerned.
βState variablesβ: any variables included in tβ model must have predictive power as far as future asset returns are concerned.
Arbitrage: exploitation of security mispricing => make risk-free profits.
Arbitrage: exploitation of security mispricing => make risk-free profits.
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) vs CAPM assumptions:
APT assumes:
1. ?? capital market
2. investors always prefer more ? to less ? with ?.
3. ? relationship bet risk & return.
APT does not assume but CAPM does:
- a ?-? ? market portfolio
- ?? security returns.
- ? utility function.
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) vs CAPM assumptions:
APT assumes:
1. perfectly competitive capital market
2. investors always prefer more wealth to less wealth with certainty.
3. linear relationship bet risk & return.
APT does not assume but CAPM does:
- a mean-variance efficient market portfolio
- normally distributed security returns.
- quadratic utility function.
APT expression can be written as a linear stochastic process generating actual returns:
Ri = ???
Ri = ? return on asset i during a specified time period
E(Ri) = ? return for asset i if all the risk factors have ? changes
b_ij = reaction in asset iβs returns to ? in a common factor j
Ξ΄k = a set of ?? or ? with a ? mean that influences the ? on all assets
Ξ΅_i = a unique effect on asset iβs return that, by assumption, is ?? in large portfolios and has a mean of ?
N = number of assets
APT expression can be written as a linear stochastic process generating actual returns:
Ri = E(Ri) + b_i1 * Ξ΄i + b_i2 * Ξ΄i + β¦ + b_ik*Ξ΄k + Ξ΅_i
Ri = actual return on asset i during a specified time period
E(Ri) = expected return for asset i if all the risk factors have zero changes
b_ij = reaction in asset iβs returns to movements in a common factor j
Ξ΄k = a set of common factors or indexes with a zero mean that influences the returns on all assets
Ξ΅_i = a unique effect on asset iβs return that, by assumption, is completely diversifiable in large portfolios and has a mean of zero
N = number of assets
Ξ΄ forms the essence of the APT: ? ? factors expected to have an impact on all assets:
e.g. ? , Growth in ?, Major ? upheavals, Changes in ? rates, β¦
This is at odds with ? as the only relevant explanatory variable in the CAPM.
Thus APT contends that there are ? factors that influence ?.
But: In application of the theory, the factors are not identified.
Ξ΄ forms the essence of the APT: multiple macroeconomic factors expected to have an impact on all assets:
e.g. Inflation, Growth in GNP, Major political upheavals, Changes in interest rates, β¦
This is at odds with beta as the only relevant explanatory variable in the CAPM.
Thus APT contends that there are MANY factors that influence returns.
But: In application of the theory, the factors are not identified.
E(Ri) = ???
Ξ»o = the expected return on an asset with ? ? risk
Ξ»j = the ?? related to the common jth factor
b_ij = the pricing relationship between the ?? and asset - that is how ? asset i is to jth common factor (often referred to as ?? or ?)
E(Ri) = Ξ»o + Ξ»1b_i1 + Ξ»2 * b_i2 + β¦ + Ξ»kb_ik
Ξ»o = the expected return on an asset with zero systematic risk
Ξ»j = the risk premium related to the common jth factor
b_ij = the pricing relationship between the risk premium and asset - that is how responsive asset i is to jth common factor (often referred to as factor betas or loadings)
APT assumes that, in equilibrium, the return on a zero-investment, zero-systematic-risk portfolio is ? when the unique effects are ? away.
APT assumes that, in equilibrium, the return on a zero-investment, zero-systematic-risk portfolio is zero when the unique effects are diversified away.
Riskless arbitrage conditions:
1. Requires no net ? invested ?: β_i ?= 0
- Will bear no ? or ? risk: β_iβ ? ? = 0 (For all K factors [i.e. no systematic risk] and w is small for all I [ unsystematic risk is fully diversified])
- Still earns a profit: β_i ? ? > 0
(w_i = the percentage of ? in security i)
Riskless arbitrage conditions:
1. Requires no net wealth invested initially: β_i w_i = 0
- Will bear no systematic or unsystematic risk: β_iβw_i * b_ij = 0 (For all K factors [i.e. no systematic risk] and w is small for all I [ unsystematic risk is fully diversified])
- Still earns a profit: β_i w_i * Ri > 0
(w_i = the percentage of investment in security i)
- ICAPM hold for ? assets whereas APT only makes a statement about ? pricing of ?? portfolios.
- No special role for the ? portfolio in the APT.
- Motivation for ? is different.
- ICAPM hold for all assets whereas APT only makes a statement about relative pricing of perfectly diversified portfolios.
- No special role for the market portfolio in the APT.
- Motivation for factors is different.