Lecture 3 - ANCOVA Flashcards
What is ANCOVA?
(Analysis of Covariance)
It is similar to ANOVA: It compares means of different groups/conditions and if they differ significantly while statistically controlling for the effects of other continuous variables that are not of interest, called COVARIATES (Basically covariates are confounding factors, so an ANCOVA also takes this confounding variables into account when analyzing data)
What does an ANCOVA test include?
- 1 DV
- 1 or more IV
- 1 or more covariates
Why should we include covariates?
- They reduce within-group variance: With an ANOVA, we have variance explained by model (SSm) and variance not explained by model, but some other random factors (SSr). In ANCOVA, a proportion of SSr includes the variance created by the covariate(s). Therefore, if we attribute part of SSr to our covariates, we reduce SSr. This in turn allows us to assess the difference between group means with more precision
- Eliminate confounds
All these lead to a etter measure of the effect of the experimental manipulation
How is the linear model in ANCOVA?
Take the puppy example from the ANOVA chapter. Researchers realiszed that love for dogs affects happiness, so love for dogs is a covariate:
happiness = bo(^) + b1(^)long(i) + b2(^)short(i) + b3(^) covariate(i) + e
How are the b-values different in an ANCOVA compared to an ANOVA?
- In ANOVA, b-values represent the differences between the means of each group and the control group
- In ANCOVA, b-values represent the differences between the means of each group and the control group ADJUSTED for the COVARIATES.
In this case, the b-values are called adjusted means - Usually used for follow-up tests, e.g. post hoc tests or planned contrasts)
How can we get the normal b-values from adjusted-means values?
1) In equation with adjusted means we replace the covariate with the mean value of the covariate (average value of the covariate among participants in all conditions)
~ Mean of covariate is stable, regardless of which condition is present
2) If we replace values in adjusted means equation we get the values for our DV in our different conditions whilst controlling for the mean of the covariate. If we subtract the mean of the covariate from each value of the DV we got, then we get the actual b-values
(This last sentence is a bit complex maybe, but no need to learn it 100%, only the last sentence. If you want to understand it better go to the ANCOVA chapter pages and read pages 4-6, it explains this last concept as well and this whole flashcard just in detailed steps).
Effect size for ANCOVA
Effect size for ANCOVA
What effect size is usually used in ANCOVA?
ω^2 -> Main effect size measure of choice in ANCOVA.
- because in ANCOVA we can calculate ω^2 for each level of the IV and the covariate, another effect size, partial ω^2 is preferred.
Effect size for ANCOVA
What does partial ω^2 indicate?
The proportion of variance that a variable explains which is not explained by other variables.
In the puppoy-treatment example: The proportion of variance in happiness that the dose of puppy therpay shares that is not attributable to love of puppies.
Effect size for ANCOVA
Formulas for ω^2 & partial ω^2
(See Equations 1)
Other than the 3 initial Assumptions for ANOVA, what other assumptions does ANCOVA entail?
- Independence of the covariate and treatment effect
- Homogeneityof regression slopes
Independence of the covariate and treatment effect
(See Slide 2)
If 2 variables share variance then we can’t seperate the 2 variances by defining one variable as a covariate. E.G. anxiety and depression share a lot of variance because they’re highly correlated. In an experiment comparing an anxiety levels, a high-anxiety condition will also have higher depression than a low-anxiety group. We can’t consider depression as a covariate though. If we do then we’re creating the third scenario in Slide 2 which is bad, since depression amounts for some of the variance produced by anxiety.
- Randomize participants to experimental groups
- Match experimental groups on the covariate (e.g. on the anxiety-depression example, make sure participants in both high and low levels of anxiety have similar levels of depression)
Homogeneity of regression slopes
It states that the relationship between the outcome variable (DV)and the covariate has to be the same in each category of the IV
(See image in slide 3 for a representation of this)
- Parallel slopes model: each line representing the change in happiness for each group is parallel to each other.
- vertical height/difference of groups is determined by which treatmet is received
- If at least one isn’t parallel to the other two: assumption is violated
Based on this assumption, how can we write the linear model?
See equation 2
- Slope parameter is defined by the covariate and is b2(^), which as stated above is the same for every category of the IV
- b3(^): degree to which slope for the covariate in a particular group differs from the overall slope for the covariate (b2(^)
What happens if the assumptions are violated?
Fit a robust model
- Apply a more complicated model that doesn’t impose problematic restrictions
- A bootstrap can be used for model parameters and post hoc tests (Bootstraping is a statistical procedure that resamples a single data set to create many simulated samples. This is a definition I found online, Johnny hasn never mentioned what it means, neither does the book. So I think it doesn’t matter that you know what it is, more that it’s just used when assumptions are violated to get something robust)
How do we report results?
- The covariate, love of puppies, was significantly related to the participant’s happiness, F(1, 26) = 4.9, p = 0.035, partial ω^2 = 0.12. There was also a significant effect of puupy therapy on levels of happiness after controlling for the effect of love of puppies, F(2,26) = 4.14, p = 0.027, partial ω^2 = 0.173
- ~ In the F-statistic, F(1,26), 1 is equal to dfM for the covariate (love of puppies, and for F(2,26), 2 is equal to dfM for the experimental conditions. 26 is the dfR (See slide 4 for a representation of where to find these in JASP)
- Planned contrasts revealed that having 30 minutes of puppy therapy significantly increased happiness compared to having a control, t(26) = 2.23, p = 0.01. Having 15 minutes also significantly increased happiness compared to having a control, t(26) = 1.79, p = 0.045.
See rest of powerpoint