Lecture 3 - Anatomy Flashcards
Central nervous system
Comprised of the brain and the spinal cord, receives sensory information and controls the body’s responses.
Peripheral nervous system
Connects the CNS to sensory organs, other organs, muscles, blood vessels and glands. Its comprised of 2 divisions: somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.
Somatic nervous system
Interacts with the external environment and is responsible for voluntary movement.
Autonomic nervous system
Regulates the body’s internal environment.
CNS afferent nerves
Carry signals from the skin, muscles, joints, eyes, ears to the CNS.
CNS efferent nerves
Carry motor signals from the CNS to skeletal muscles.
PNS afferent nerves
Carry sensory signals from internal organs to the CNS.
PNS efferent nerves
Carry motor signals from CNS to internal organs.
The autonomic nervous system has 2 kinds of efferent nerves
Sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves.
Sympathetic nerves
Autonomic motor nerves that project from the CNS in the lumbar (small of back) and thoratic (chest area) to regions of the spinal cord.
Parasympathetic nerves
Autonomic motor nerves that project from the brain and sacral (lower back) region of the spinal cord.
Protective membrane covering the brain and the spinal cord.
The 3 meninges
1- Dura matter (outside layer)
2- Arachnoid membrane (inside dura matter)
3- Subarachoid space (beneath the arachnoid membrane is a space which contains large blood vessels and cerebrospinal fluid)
Blood-brain barrier
Impedes the passage of many toxic substances from the blood to the brain.
2 types of cells of the nervous system
Neurons and glial cells
Four main functions of glial cells
1-Surround neurons and hold them in place
2- Supply nutrients and oxygen to neurons
3- Insulate neurons
4- Destroy and remove dead neurons
Schwann cells
Produce myelin around axons and can give axonal regeneration after damage.
Respond to injury or disease by multiplying, engulfing cellular debris and triggering inflammatory response.
Play a role in allowing the passage of some chemicals from the blood into the CNS neurons and blocking other chemicals.
5 major divisions of the brain
1- Myelelencephalon 2- Metencephaton 3- Telencephalon 4- Diencephalon 5- Mesencephalon
4 brain lobes
1- Frontal
2- Parietal
3- Temporal
4- Occipital
Frontal lobe
Associated with reasoning, motor skills, higher level cognition and expressive language
Associated with processing tactile sensory information
Associated with interpreting sounds and language
Associated with interpreting visual stimuli and information