Lecture 3 Flashcards
Prefabricated post and core benefits
1 appointment
Less expensive
No evidence cast is better if adequate ferrule
Restorative material
Fills coronal chamber extends 2-3 mm wide and deep into canals
High strenght
High stiffness
Fiber reinforced polymer
Similar stiffness to dentin
Moderate strength
Unicem dont use
Stronger stiff recurrent caries resistant
Crown cannot be prepared at same appointment
Adhesively retained
Intermediate strength same stiffness as dentin less resistance to recurrent caries
Immediate set time and same day preparation
Lowest strenght lowest stiffness but most caries resistant
Immediate tooth preparation
Metal Post core buildup materials
Composite -less strong but adhesively retained
Fiber post core buildup materials
Core buildup
RMGI-seals well but weak
Amalgam can be used with
Metal post only
Composite can be used with
Metal or fiber posts
The more tooth that remains
The less the buildup material matter
Prefabricated post and cores
Make the canal fit the post
Less aggressive coronal tooth removal
More widely used in practice
Custom made post and cores
Make the post fit the canal
Often requires more aggressive coronal tooth removal
Greater strength of core