Lecture 3 Flashcards
Parotid gland
Largest of 3 main salivary glands
Ant to and below lower ½ of ear
Superficial, posteriorand deep to ramus of mandible
Extends to lower border of mandibleand up to zygomatic arch
Posteriorly covered by SCM and continues superficially across masseter
Duct crosses ant border of masseter, turns through buccal pad of fat, pierces buccinatorand exits opposite 2nd upper molartooth
Contains ECA, Retromandibular v & Facial n
Enclosed within the split investing layerof deep cervical fascia
Blood supply via branches of ECA
Sensory nerve supplyby auriculotemporal from V3
Parasympathetic (secretomotor) supply = lesser petrosal n, branch of glossopharyngeal n (CN IX) via the auriculotemporal n
Parotid bed
Between mastoid & mandibular ramus Base related to zygomatic arch Apex post to angle of mandible Posterior belly of digastric Auriculotemporal nerve Stylohyoid m Medial pterygoid Mandibular ramus Masseter
Superior tarsal muscle contains smooth muscle fibres – supplied by sympathetic system of ANS
If damaged (Horner’s Syndrome) = ptosis which differs from that caused by lesion to CN III
Tough and difficult
Scalp layers
Skin (with or without hair, rich blood supply, venous and lymph drainage )
Connective tissue (dense with adipose tissue)
Aponeurosis (epicranium with occipitofrontalism bellies)
S, C & A work together (scalp proper)
Loose areolar tissue (with potential space –allows free movement of S, C & A)
Periosteum (pericranium)