Lecture 3 Flashcards
Culture & Climate
determined by those who manage/lead - style/preferences/relation to employees/ communication
leaders & managers
leaders = guide org in establishing goals/org success
Managers = direct/evaluate work of others/meeting goals that contribute to success
Power & power bases
power = influence an individual has over another
1. legitimate power (from position/title/role)
2. reward power (leader control/distribution of resources)
3. coercive power (sanctions/punishments from leader)
4. referent power (identifying w leader)
5. expert/info power (leader knowledge)
6. connection power (who leader knows)
Organizational management theories:
systems theory, scientific management theory, behaviour theories
umbrella under which comms takes place - impacts message content/tone/distribution
Organizational systems:
how org responds to information/events in its internal/external environment
Open vs closed system:
open = org takes in/analyzes/responds to new information
closed = org lacks comms input - doesn’t seek out/respond to public’s concerns, therefore difficult to make good decisions/stay current
Scientific management:
emphasizes organizational design - focus on efficiency, defined chain of command, division of labour, physical layout of buildings - work/org designed “scientifically”
Scientific Management traits & elements:
traits = impersonal (all about task completion), defined chain of command, specialized comms, interpersonal comms discouraged, comms = top-down
Elements = careful selection/inducing/training of workers, equal division of work b/w management/workers, scientific methods for task completion
Time and Motion:
subset of scientific management theory - study of increasing efficiency through work observation/time measurements - used to develop measurable work standards for efficiency/productivity/clear chain of command/specific worker duties&tasks
Fayol 5 elements of management (POCCC):
responsibilities above overseeing work practices – planning, organizing, command, coordination, control
Scalar Chain/Fayol’s Bridge:
follow the line of authority BUT streamline process by establishing gangplank linking F to P – as in, need to communicate interdepartmentally (triangle graph with A at the top and letters coming down)
Bridge = gangplank between.
organizational departments resist interdepartmental communication aka “silo mentality”
Behavioural Theories:
explore interactions/motivations of individuals/their influence on events - used to improve working together to achieve goals/job satisfaction/loyalty and productivity
Hawthorne Effect/phases:
org efficiency study- 1927 harvard grad school. how environmental factors increase productivity at Western Electric’s Chicago Hawthorne plant. hypothesis that improved working conditions increase productivity.
Phase 1 - lighting
Phase 2 - “relay assembly”/varied working conditions
Phase 3 - interviews about work conditions
Phase 4 - “bank wiring” = self-managing test
*productivity improved every time - behaviour changes when observed = Hawthorne effect - physical environment/group norms affect productivity
Theory x/theory y:
theories formanagement assumptions about workers
x = associated with scientific management theory. Assumes workers dislike/avoid work, not ambitious/prefer direction, don’t seek responsibility/not concerned w organizational needs, must be directed/threatened w punishment
y = associated w behaviour theories. Assumes that under right conditions, work = play. Workers = ambitious,/ self directed/seek responsibility/rewarded through their achievements, self-motivated and require little direct supervision, creative and capable of organizational creativity
* not all people are the same/would enjoy work under right circumstances - some just would enjoy a life of leisure - also, not always possible to have workers working under “right conditions” - not all jobs can be made interesting to all people
Leadership Qualifications:
can be assigned - but ability to influence is based on leaders position, credibility, skills, communication competence
Peter Principle:
Peter/Hull - when someone is promoted to a position at which they are no longer competent - stay there as they are unable obtain higher promotion
Managerial communication:
functional in approach - based on formal superior-employee relationship. Directs work assignment/evaluation, requires changes and organizational action to attain goals.
Leadership communication:
sets organizational vision, connects workers to org, helps members determine priorities, influences decision making, contributes to creation/reinforcement of shared realities
Leadership theories:
explore impact of leadership approach on org
Trait Approach: character traits = effective leaders. born w/ it - hard to define/list what those traits are
Style approach: approach used to motivate people - autocratic/democratic/laissez faire
Situational leadership approach: effectiveness depends on leader’s ability to read situation appropriately
Transformational leadership: motivate followers by personal example - appeals to higher level need, establishment of vision. Transformational leaderships characteristics = creative, interactive, visionary, empowering, passionate
leadership style approaches
autocratic: makes decisions w little influence/input from others - enforces penalties on those who do not comply
democratic: involves followers in decision making - participation = greater creativity and support
Laissez-faire: non leader/hands off. ind make own decision, little interest in employee/org goals.
Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid:
x axis = concern for task (1-9), y axis = concern for people 1-9.
Impoverished management: low left quadrant (1-1) - low concern for interpersonal relationships/task accomplishment
Country-club management: upper left quadrant (1-9). interpersonal relationship focus, low goal achievement - good work environment, low productivity
Middle of Road management: middle of grid (5-5). balance b/w task/people, compromise management
Team leader: upper right (9-9). ideal - high concern for tasks/relationships
Authoritarian management: lower right (9-1). high concern for task/low for people. autocratic
Hersey/Blanchard situational leadership theory:
leader’s selection of behaviour appropriate to the maturity level of followers. Maturity = level of achievement, motivation, ability, education, experience, willingness to participate. Four styles of situational leadership = telling, selling, participating, delegating
Hersey/Blanchard situational leadership styles:
Telling = high task and low relationship concern, best used w immature followers
Selling = high task, higher relationship concerns, leader attempts to convince followers mature enough to accept responsibility for their decisions
Participating: low task, high relationship concerns - stimulate creativity in mature followers who make good decisions w appropriate actions
Delegating: low task/relationship concerns. High follower maturity, leader passes leadership to group
Transformational leadership types:
Empowerment: giving employees maximum amount of power to do job as they see fit - includes responsibility and accountability for work performed
Dispersed: leadership responsibilities broadly distributed t/o organization
Superleadership: process of leading others to lead themselves, create superfollowers who become skilled self-leaders *establish vision, define goals, reinforce good performance, use constructive contingent reprimands, manage/facilitate change, enhance self-efficacy of followers, use models to teach desired/appropriate behaviours