Lecture 3 Flashcards
Pharynx and Esophagus
How many parts of the phyrynx are there and what are they?
- 3
- Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, Laryngopharynx
What is the extent of the pharynx - where does it start and end?
Extends superiorly to the base of the skull and inferiorly till 6th cervical vertibra
What are the communications with the pharynx?
- anteriorly with nasal, oral cavities and larynx
- laterally with middle ear through auditory tube
How does the nasopharynx communicate with the nasal cavity?
through the posterior nasal apetures - choanae
How does the nasopharynx communicate with the oropharynx?
through the pharyngeal isthmus
What is the extent of the nasopharynx?
- from the base of the skull to the lower border of the soft palate
What are the boundaries of the nasopharynx?
Roof- body of the sphenoid bone, basilar part of the occipital bone, pharyngeal tonsil
Floor- soft palate, pharyngeal isthmus
Posterior wall- anterior arch of atlas
Lateral wall- opening of auditory tube, tubal elevation, salpingopharyngeal fold, salpingopalatine fold, fold of levator palati
What nerve innervates the nasopharynx?
- Maxillary nerve
How does the oropharynx communicate with the oral cavity?
Oropharyngeal isthmus
What is the extent of the oropharynx?
-from the lower border of the soft palate to the upper border of the epiglottis
- lies infront of the 2nd (axis) and 3rd cervical vertebrae
What are the bounderies of the oropharynx?
Superior- nasopharynx
Inferior- Laryngopahrynx
Anterior- Oral cavity
Posterior- 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebrae
Laterally- palatine tonsil, palatoglossal fold, palatopharyngeal fold
What nerve innerates the oropharynx?
- Glossopharyngeal nerve
What is the extent of the laryngopharynx?
- from the upper border of the epiglottis to the 6th cervical vertebrae (lower border of the cricoid cartilage)
- infront of the 3rd, 4th, 5the and 6th CV
What is the anterior boundery of the laryngopharynx?
- inlet of larynx in the upper part
- cricoid and arytenoid cartilages of larynx
- piriform fossa (small depression aither side of laryngeal inlet)
What nerves innervate the laryngopharynx?
- Branches of the Vagus nerve
What are the layers of the wall of the pahrynx?
- Mucosa
- Submucosa
- Pharyngobasilar fascia (this sheet of CT)
- Muscular coat (inner longitudinal and outer longitudinal layers)
- Buccopharyngeal fascia (CT layer)
What are the mucles found in the longitudinal layer of muscle in the muscular coat?
-Stylopharyngeas muscle
- Salpingopharyngeas muscle
- Palatopharyngeas muscle
(inner part of the pahrynx)
What is the function of the longitudinal muscles?
elevate the larynx and shorten the pahrynx durig swallowing and speaking
What are the muscles found in the circular layer of muscle in the muscular coat?
-Superior constrictor muscle
- Middle constrictor muscle
- Inferior constrictor muscle
(outer part of the pharynx)
What is the function of the circular muscles?
sequentially fromsuperior to inferior constrictor muscles- propelling food into the esopahgus
What nerve innervate the muscles of the pahrynx?
- Stylopahryngeas-glossopharyngeal nerve