Lecture 3 Flashcards
Groups of related species
Organisms that are substatially alike
Variation within species
- mostly bacteria
- single celled
- 0.3-3 micrometers in equivalent radius
- No membrane around the genetic material (DNA)
- Grow rapidly (doubling time: 0.5 hour to several hours)
- carbon source include carbohydrates, hydrocarbons, proteins and CO2
Prokaryotic cells
What gram positive bacteria have
- plasma membrane
- periplasmic space
- peptidoglycan
What gram negative bacteria have
- plasma membrane
- periplasmic space
- peptidoglycan
- outer membrane (lipopolysaccharide and protein)
any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including moulds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools.
an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host.
a single-celled microscopic animal of a group of phyla of the kingdom Protista, such as an amoeba, flagellate, ciliate, or sporozoan; a protozoan.
Monomer of proteins
amino acids
Monomer of carbohydrates
Monomer of lipids
fatty acids
Monomer of nucleic acids
Genetic information
Role of bulk elements
biological molecules - involved in structures/ reactions
Bulk elements
Role of bulk ions
Water balance/ acid-base balance
Role of trace elements
Catalytic cofactors
Bulk ions
Na Cl H Ca PO4^-3 SO4 NH4-
Trace elements
Mg Mn Fe Ni Zn Co Se Mb Si B I
Cell growth equation
X = X0 e^μt
Cell growth
Cells + carbon source - nitrogen source + oxygen source + phosphate source -> CO2 + H20 + Products + more cells
Doubling time
Time it takes to double to cell concentration ( mass or number)
Doubling time equation for first order exponential rate:
td = ln 2/ μ
Cell yield
Y = (X - X0)/(S-S0)
Y = cell yield
S = substrate in a medium
Monod equation
μ = (μm [S])/ Ks + S
μm = maximum specifc growth rate
S = Substrate in a medium
Ks = saturation constant/half velocity constant
simplest empirical equation for the effect of the substrate on the specific growth rate
Monod equation
equation to the concentration of hte limiting substrate when the specific growth rate is equal to one half of μm
saturation constant/half velocity constant
bioreactor that maintains a constant volume and nutrint concentration by adding and removing medium at a fixed rate
In competitive inhibition: how Vm and Km changes
Vm remains unchanged
Km increases