Lecture 3 Flashcards
What is the definition of current assets?
Expected to generate economic benefits within the current operating cycle (and not after)
True or false: some companies may have an operating cycle over 1 year
True or false: inventory includes materials for manufacturing
If expenses are pre-paid beyond the current operating cycle, are they current or non-current assets?
Only the amount over the current cycle is non-current
What is ‘share premium’?
The difference between share par value & actual sale price
How is share capital calculated?
number of shares x par value
What are the main accounting principles?
- Legal entity convention
- Dual aspect
- Going concern convention
- Historic cost convention
- Conservatism / prudence
What is the legal entity convention?
- Business & owners are distinct
- Accounts prepared for the business
What is the dual aspect convention?
Each transaction has two equal & opposite aspects
What is the going concern convention?
Companies will continue to operate for the foreseeable future
What is the historic cost convention?
List acquisition costs, not current market values
What is the conservatism / prudence convention?
- Don’t understate liabilities / losses
- Don’t overstate assets / profits
What are types of equity?
- Contributed capital
- Share capital
- Share premium
- Retained profit