Lecture 3 Flashcards
What number on a tymp shows it is type Ad?
Compliance/static admittance
A ____ volume size is a pretty good indicator of normal volume
Why is a 3.0 volume and type A tymp normal?
Because the peak shows that the TM is working fine (a hole would show a type b tymp)
What classification of tymps is most commonly used?
Jerger classification system
The normal frequency for a tympanogram is ____Hz and we measure the ____ component
226Hz, Y
Y = ____
Total admittance
But, you can run tymps up to ____Hz on some commercial machines
The higher the frequency, ther harder it is to maintain ____
Constant SPL
MFC measures Y, but can extract ____ and ____ components from that measure
B, G
When do you use MFC tymps?
- unusual Y tymps (the conventional tympanogram)
- neonates
- severe mixed losses when its difficult to mask B/C results
- to estimate ME resonance frequency
- an indicator of cochlear involvement
What are some unusual Y tymps that may result in needing MFC tymps?
- type Ad (hyper-compliant tymps)
- normal tymps with A/B gaps
What do MFC tymps usually distinguish between?
- ossicular discontinuity
- monomeric/atrophic TMs (ME is still working okay, just a flaccid TM)
What are monomeric/atrophic TMs?
- The TMs consist of 3 layers (outer epithelial, medial mucosal, and inner fibrous)
- If you get a lot of ear tubes, the inner layer may not heal (the TM becomes more flaccid), but overall, the TM is not working good
What does this tympanogram indicate?
- regular Y tymp (type b)
- Large volume
- Either a perforation or an open tube
What does this tympanogram indicate?
- type As (flaccid component)
- no perforation, but still abnormal (static admittance is 4.4ml)
What is better for picking up cracks in ossicules? CT or MFC tymps?
Sometimes CT scans wont pick up a crack in the ossicles (abormal HF tymps pick up ossicular discontinuity more than CT)
What does the C mean in MFC tymps?
- multi-component
- various mechano-acoustic elements can be separated out from each other and recorded (susceptance and conductance)
What admittance element is associated with stiffness/springiness?
Compliant susceptance (Bc)
What admittance element is associated with mass?
Mass susceptance (Bm)
What admittance element is associated with friction?
Conductance (G)
Stiffness/springiness, mass, and friction = ____
Total admittance (Ya)
Why are mass and stiffness/springiness both under susceptance (B)?
- Mass and stiffness are both under B because the mass effects are depending on stiffness, and stiffness is dependent on how much mass there it
- When you change the mass, the stiffness effects change
- When you change the stiffness, the mass effects change
- With B, you can see which effect is dominant over the other
Conductance (G), is a function of ____ friction
Inner ear fluid
What is meniere’s disease?
Inner ear fluid and pressure problem (causes LF fluctuating HL, tinnitus, vertigo) – an inner ear fluid disorder
What is the difference in MFC tymps of someone with and without meniere’s?
The Meniere’s group had significantly wider G tymps
Conductance (B) is ____ and ____
springiness/stiffness, mass
Susceptance (G) is ____
What are you looking for in B/G tymps?
How many peaks there are
Explain this MFC tymp
This is a 3 B 1 G tymp
Why does the B tymp notch down?
- Why is the B tymp notching? That is where the peak of the tymp would be on a regular Y tymp (this is a normal Y tymp = type A)
- It is notching down because mass and stiffness are balancing out
What is the instruments concern with regular tympanometry?
- Total admittance determined by/proportional to the voltage necessary to maintain probe tone SPL
- i.e. a function of magnitude
What is the instruments concern with MFC tymps?
Concerned about the timing of the ME response that is then measured in the ear canal
Phase differences are dependent on what is going on in the ____
Middle ear
Explain the timing patterns of mass and stiffness
- Stiffness is is ¼ cycle ahead of the dricing force
- Mass is a ¼ cycle behind the driving force
- Mass and stiffness are in total opposition of eachother
- Friction is in sync with the driving force
When are mass and stiffness not dominating one over the other?
at 0 value
Explain the Argand Plane
- It is at a 90 degree angle because stiffness it is a quarter cycle ahead of the driving force and mass is a quarter cycle behind the driving force
- Mass and stiffness are in total opposition of eachother
How does the MFC device determine B and G?
- Collects a measure of admittance Y
- And uses the phase difference between the speaker and microphone as an angle value to determine B and G
Go over Argand Plane ppt slides (43-51)
What is resonance?
- When the elements of elastic/springiness and mass are balanced and one element is not more dominant than the other
When does resonance happen?
- When the phase (angle) of B = 0
- When there is no timing/phase differences between the speaker and mic
- When the peak of the B tymp deflects down just to the baseline of the B tympanogram
Is Fo of this tymp above or below 678Hz?
- Peak of the B tymp falls right on baseline = 0
- Resonant frequency is 678Hz
B tymp should never have more than ____ peaks
G tymps should never have more than ____ peaks
What is the normal range for normal resonance?
What happens to the B value as you increase frequency?
As you increase frequency, the B value gets less and less and will become negative (as the mass effects start to take over)
What are the 2 things to interpret MFC tymps?
- Reference the tympanograms to normal middle ear resonance
- B/G pattern approach
What determines the Fo?
The mid peak of the B tymp
What is the width of the B tymp?
Between the distal peak
What is an abnormal MFC tymp?
- More than 5 peaks in the B tymp
- More than 3 peaks in the G tymp
- Width
- More than 75 daPa for 3B tymp
- More than 100 daPa for 5B tymp
- More than 60 daPa for a 3Y tymp
What is this ME resonance?
Greater than 678Hz and less than 1000Hz
What is this ME resonance?
- Have gone beyond resonance (negative value)
- Resonant frequency is below 226Hz
- Not normal resonance frequency
there is a normal pattern progression for MFC tympanograms that depends on the ____ used for the tymp
What is the Vanhuyse labelling system?
Vanhuyse system is classification based on the number of peaks
The appropriate tympanogram pattern depends on the frequency of the ____ tone used.
Go through case studies on ppt (72-108)