Lecture 26 - Moderation Analysis Flashcards
What is moderation analysis in other words?
A model that includes an interaction effect, so one variable influencing the effect of another variable
What does a moderator do?
A moderator moderates behaviour (duh), so in moderation analysis there is a variable that moderates the influence of another variable.
What is moderation in fancy words?
Moderation occurs when the relationship between two variables depends on a third variable.
The third variable is referred to as the moderator variable or simply the moderator.
The effect of a moderating variable is characterized statistically as an interaction.
Conceptually, it’s moderation
What is the regression equation for moderation?
Look at figure 1.
The variables include
- The intercept (b0)
- The standalone effect of the predictor (b1)
- The standalone effect of the moderator (b2)
- The interaction effect between predictor and moderator (b3)
How do we determine which variable is the moderator and which is the predictor?
It’s extremely arbitrary (WOOO ARBITRARY IS BACK GUYS).
They are simply two continuous predictor variables that have an interaction between them. Since an interaction effect is perfectly symmetrical, it doesn’t matter which variable is what.
It’ll become clearer when i bring in the example
How can you visualize a conceptual moderation effect?
With a diagram.
Look at figure 2.
How is a moderation diagram different from a mediation diagram?
Besides the obvious differences, in a mediation diagram, the arrows go into the variables, showing they go through the mediator.
In a moderation diagram, the arrow goes to the line, showing that a moderator doesn’t directly affect the variables, rather it influences the effect of another variable.
What does a statistical moderation model look like?
Look at figure 5 (shhhh), it represents the regression equation in diagram form. To see the full moderation analysis, you need all 3 boxes.
(This also helps understand why it doesn’t matter which predictor variable is labelled as moderator. They’re multiplied together, so it’ll be the same.
23=6, and 32=6, changing the order doesn’t matter)
What does the regression equation/model tell us?
It tells you specifically what the model is predicting for each beta coefficients.
How do you visualize an interaction effect with a 3d plot?
Look at figure 3.
The left graph shows that without an moderation/interaction, the plane of data is flat. If you looked at the graph from the side where the arrows end, it would be a straight line.
The right graph shows that with a moderation/interaction effect, the plane looks like a pringles chip (use this to remember how interaction effect looks in 3d).
Different levels of videogames on aggression for different levels of callous traits.
If you looked at the graph from the same side as before, you’d see a jumble of data kinda like a skewed bowtie (or farfalle for eli)
What is the example used in the book? (just read the answer so you’re aware and have another example, but ill discuss johnny’s one cus it is superior (i watched the lecture first))
Outcome is aggression
Predictors are Hours spent playing violent video games; and presence of callous traits.
They labelled callous traits as moderator, but it could be either since symmetrical interaction effect.
Whats the example study that johnny uses (just read the answer)
The outcome is wakefulness (so how awake you’re feeling)
The two predictor variables are
The amount of coffee that they drank
The number of hours they’ve been awake for
(Si there will be an interaction effect)
What would an interaction effect look like in this example?
The effect of coffee on your wakefulness depends on how long you’ve been awake for already.
Since interaction effects are symmetrical, you could also interpret it as
The effect of # of hours wake on your wakefulness depends on how much coffee you’ve drunk.
What would a mediation effect look like?
A mediation analysis is for modelling the dependence between 2 variables
In this example, if hours awake is strongly associated with wakefulness. This association is mediated by coffee consumption.
Because maybe if you’re awake for longer, you consume more coffee. There is a direct association between one predictor variable and the other.
So based on what we’ve learnt, how is mediation different to moderation?
In mediation, there is a dependence between variables, one predictor variable directly affects the other predictor variable.
In moderation, there is an interaction effect, one predictor variable influences the other predictor variable’s effect on the outcome.
Why is mediation mentioned in moderation?
We are still doing a regression, so we need to be aware of possible mediation.
One of our core assumptions is multi collinearity, so we want to be aware if there is a strong dependence between predictor variables, because that affects our interpretation of our output.
How can a correlation matrix indicate if we have multi collinearity?
Look at your two predictor variables, there should be a negligible correlation between them. If there is (e.g. r=0), this indicates no multi collinearity.
What else should you do?
You can look at VIF, which is the formal assessment, however
Make scatter plots.
Why do we love scatter plots?
They can tell you about your association between predictor and outcome variables.
They can tell you about multicollinearity
You can use them to check for outliers
If they look weird, you’ve probably got an interaction effect going on
Whats a good way to understand your interaction effect?
Divide one of your predictor variables into different levels (e.g. 0-100ml of coffee, 100-200ml, etc.)
This allows you to see if the association between the other predictor variable and the outcome variable changes depending on your moderator.
Regression model for prediction.
Once you’ve got your equation, then chuck it into R to receive your regression estimates.
From this you can then make predictions of the outcome.
You can also find the t-value and test significance from there
(We won’t have to make the calculations ourselves, so im telling you what you can do with the data.)
What do you do with the regression predictions?
Calculate the prediction of the outcome variable for every participant.
Look at figure 4 to see what the equation would look like.
You insert your beta coefficient predictions (the regression weights), then insert the participants values for each predictor variable.
What specific meaning do beta coefficients have when an interaction term are included?
For the individual predictors they represent the regression of the outcome on that predictor when the other predictor is zero.
E.g. with johnnys example, b1 represents the relationship between hours awake and wakefulness when the amount of coffee drunk is zero.
What issue do you notice if you apply the same logic to b2?
Well, b2 would represent the relationship between amount of coffee drunk and wakefulness, when the hours awake is zero…
wait a second, that don’t make sense, how can you drink coffee whilst asleep? hmmmm, lets go to the next flashcard to see a solution to this dilemma
What is grand mean centering?
Also know as centering, it refers to the process of transforming a variable into deviations around a fixed point, in this case being the grand mean.
How is centering done?
Well, JASP does it for you, but it’s done by taking each score and subtracting it from the mean of all scores. This centers the score around a point which you can then set as zero, with each score deviating from ‘zero’ by a certain amount.
You keep the variation in the score which is the important bit, but it allows you to calculate b when an interaction effect is involved.
What is the highest-order predictor?
What are lower-order predictors?
Order refers to how many variables are involved.
Therefore, the highest-order predictor is the interaction parameter, cus it has 2 variables.
The lower-order variables are just the predictors by themselves.
How are they both affected by centering?
Highest-order predictors aren’t affected by centering in any way.
Lower-order predictors are affected, but in a positive way.
When calculating b2, instead of it being when hours awake is zero, it’s now when hours awake is the average number. The coffee consumption is also centered, but its a good thing overall.
In what case can you ignore centering?
If the interaction effect is significant. Because why look at the individual effect on the outcome if it differs based on the other variable? So you’d just look at the interaction effect.
In figure 4, the regression weight of the moderator and the interaction effect are kinda small? is this an issue?
- it depends on the standard error
- in the simulated data, the standard error for the interaction effect is very small, so the t-value is very large, so it doesn’t matter.
Is how we analyse total/explained variance different since we added a moderator?
No, since our model includes the interaction effect, so the explained variance includes this effect, you don’t need to do anything extra.
It’s the same as ANOVA and regression, we are just finding the proportion of explained and unexplained variance.
Would our explained variance be different if we didn’t include the interaction effect?
Duh, it wouldn’t predict the data as well since the effect changes at different levels, so the line isn’t linear. By including the interaction effect, we account for that and make a better prediction.
Why is the procedure so similar to other analysis methods, why is everything all the same?
Because the method we use is a good method. Where it fails is if we use bad measurements, or if we poorly operationalize the variables.
Danny’s lecture talks about this, but its mainly that if we don’t measure the interaction effect/aren’t aware of it, then we fucked up.
You’ve found a significant moderation effect, how can you figure out what direction the interaction is in?
You do a simple slopes analysis, basically working out the regression equation for the different levels of the moderator (you decide them yourself).
Then you can compare the slopes in terms of both their significance and the value and direction of the b to see if the relationship between predictor and outcome changes at different levels of the moderator.
How do you perform a moderation analysis in JASP?
2 methods.
1. Linear regression tab. (Same as multiple regression, but you add the interaction effect into your model (will be demonstrated in the jasp demo)
2. Process module (Done via Hayes configuration, but Johnny couldn’t get it to work during the lecture so I don’t think we will have to do it this way, so just learn linear regression)
How do you isolate the interaction effect in JASP?
Do a hierarchical regression, which is where you go to the models tab, and add a new model (model 2) which has the interaction effect (see footnote)
Then make sure you have R squared change enabled under statistics.
You can then look at whether the model including the interaction effect is significant (since JASP compares it to the model above)
The R^2 change tells you how much predictive power the interaction effect adds.
If this is confusing, the JASP demo will explain better
(or you can add the predictors to the null model and put the interaction effect in model 1, you just need to have two models, one without the interaction effect, and the next one with it)
How would you convert one of your continuous predictor variables into a categorical variable?
For coffee consumption, you would convert the ml drunk into cups of coffee, make sure to round down if you do so.
This gives you a categorical variable rather than a continuous variable.
How is your jasp procedure different if you change coffee consumption into a nominal format?
You perform an ANCOVA since you have one continuous predictor and then a categorical predictor (with different people in each level, since you can’t have drunk 0 cups and 3 cups at the same time, unless you’re a magic man)
Why do we need to be aware of which test method we use?
The next few flashcards (til 42) are a bit vague, just try and understand the concept
Johnny went back to the file explaining the different cool things in ANOVA, and why you have to use the correct method.
E.g. if you don’t include baseline differences, you can get nonsignificant, but if you do between samples ANOVA, then boom, significant
Does regression give the same result as ANOVAs?
Yes, if you do a linear regression and don’t include baseline differences (through ID), then you get the same non-significant t-value as an ANOVA/2-sample t-test.
When you do include the baseline differences, you get significance and the same t-value as a paired samples T-test/between samples ANOVA
So, its really just the same
So what are the differences between regression and ANOVA.
In ANOVA, you work with nominal variables so you can do post hoc tests and contrast analyses.
That isn’t possible with continuous predictive variables, so the options in linear regression are a bit different.
But to reiterate, the core of both analyses are the same, which we can see since we have an ANOVA table when doing linear regression.
What does the ANOVA table mean for regression?
Since it gives you the total sum of squares, modelSS, etc.
It is called Equivalences in regression (basically saying its the same shit, different smell)
So, how can you tell if there is an interaction/moderation effect?
Lots of ways, a quick way is to just add the interaction to a separate model, and then see if the r^2 change is significant.
How can you visualise the interaction effect without converting into nominal format?
By making a flexplot
(Under Descriptives > Flexplot tab)
Add the outcome to dep. variable, and the two predictors to indep. variable. (whichever predictor is at the bottom of the list will be the one divided into groups.
What can you learn from a flexplot?
It shows you the slope and error of each equation/model, allowing you to judge the effect of interaction.
How do you report a moderation analysis?
You just need to provide a table that summarises the information, an example of which is figure 6. You should also include a table (figure 7)/graph (figure 8) that shows the interaction effect at different levels.
What do the different values mean in figure 6?
The estimate is the estimate of the beta coefficient
Snazzy little applet, what it do?
Lets you mess around with the interaction effect so you can understand it better.
Based on the student study we did, what does the regression coefficient indicate?
It quantifies how much difference there is between every specialization and the reference group.
The reference group is the first occurring group