Lecture 26 Flashcards
What is clathrin-mediated endocytosis?
A process of particle internalization occurring at clathrin-coated “pits” in the plasma membrane
What does clatrhin-mediated endocytosis use to trigger the internalization event?
Uses ligand/receptor
What are ligands?
Ligands are usually growth factors or other soluble factors (proteins, molecules)
Receptor/ligand complexes are concentrated into patches on the membrane
Then internalized into vesicles
Does clathrin work on its own?
Clathrin does not work on its own
It uses an assortment of proteins to form the vesicle and release the clathrin lattice once the particle is internalized
What are some proteins that work with clathrin to make a “clathrin coated pit”?
FCHo proteins
Adaptor protein-2 (AP2) (aka assembly protein-2)
Dynamin and Actin are used in the final steps of vesicle formation
Once the particle is internalized clathrin must be released
It uses Hsc70 and Auxillin
How is membrane curvature initiated?
Membrane curvature is initiated by FCHo1/2
What is FCHo1/2?
These are BAR (Bin-Amphiphysin-Rys) proteins with very slight curvature
They bind directly to the plasma membrane
Recruit scaffold proteins (EPS15) often through SH3 domains that bind proline-rich regions of other proteins
Once initiated, other BAR proteins with increased curvature are recruited to the developing pit
What are 2 mechanisms used by BAR proteins to curve membrane?
1) The natural curvature of the BAR proteins
2) Wedges are inserted into the plasma membrane lipids only in the leaflet of the membrane of BAR protein docking
What is the Adaptor protein-2 (AP-2)?
A 4 subunit complex (a, b2, u2, o2)
The numbers refer to the “2” in AP-2 (there are 4 different AP’s 1,2,3,4)
The subunits are called “adaptins”
What is alpha adaptin?
Large sized
Binds to PI (4,5)P2 (AKA: PIP2, part of lipids) in the plasma membrane
What is o2 Adaptin?
Small sized
Binds to transmembrane receptors
What is beta2 Adaptin?
Large sized
Binds directly to clathrin
Promotes clathrin assembly
What is u2 Adaptin?
Medium sized
Interacts with tyrosine-based sorting signals of transmembrane receptors
What does Epsin do?
Helps coordinate clathrin coat formation
Can deform the membrane on its own
Can cause liposomes for form into tubes on its own (meaning it can curve membrane and make tubes)
Discovered through its binding to EPS15
How many domains does Epsin have?
4 domains
What are the 4 domains of Epsin?
ENTH (epsin N-terminal homology): bind to membrane and can also recruit clathrin to the membrane. A domain found in many proteins. Always at the N-terminus of the protein
UIM: Ubiquitin interacting motifs
Clathin/AP-2 binding domain
EH: Epsin Homology Domain
What is EPS15?
Epidermal grow factor receptor pathway substrate 15
Originally discovered as a phosphorylation substrate of the epidermal growth factors (EGF) receptor kinase
Binds to the alpha-subunit of AP2
Binds and acts independetly of EGF
What area in the AP-2 binding domain is proline rich and which is ubiquitously interacted with?
P= proline rich region
C= ubiquitously interaction
Is actin needed for CME?
Actin is crucial for CME
It is driven through the recruitment of the GTPase Adc42 and N-WASp
Actin polymerization occurs at the plasma membrane surface and pushes the vesicle
How do Auxilin and Hsc70 come into play?
When the clathrin coated vesicle has formed, the clathrin cage must be disassembled to release the vesicle
This is accomplished through the ATPase Hsc70 and Auxilin
They destabilize the attachments of clathrin, AP2 and other coat proteins for un-coating
What mechanism are tight junction proteins endocytosed?
CME: can remove claudins, occludin and JAM from the plasma membrane of epithelial cells
Caveolin: used to remove claudin-5, occludin and JAM from the plasma membrane of endothelial cells
What happens once the proteins are endocytosed?
This has been shown for Cl1, Cl5, Cl16, Occludin, JAM, Zo1 in epithelial cells and endothelial cells
Causes decreased barrier function
What happens if you use siRNA against one of the early endosomal markers (Rab5)?
If you use siRNA against one of the early endoomal markers (Rab5), you get increase Cl1 at the plasma membrane in endothelial cells
Now, where can these proteins go?
What 4 places can these proteins go?
1) Recycling pathway
2) Degradation pathway
3) “Bulk-flow” recycling pathways (use of narrow tubes with large surface area to recycle many things at once)
4) To the trans-Golgi network
What happens with Occludin, Cl1 and Cl2 in fibroblasts and epithelial cells?
Can undergo continuous recycling (endocytosis and recycling back to the plasma membrane)
Where else have occludin and Cl1 been found?
Occludin and Cl1 have also been seen in the degradation pathway, associated with UBIQUITIN E3 ligases
Look at video on how clathrin works
As bacteria comes in, actin will make hole in plasma membrane bigger (pushing bacteria in)
Dynamin will pinch it off