Lecture 24: Puberty Flashcards
What are the outcomes of puberty?
- Secondary sex characteristics appear and mature
- Adolescent growth spurt
- fertility is achieved
- Profound psychological changes
How are the outcomes of puberty achieved directly or indirectly?
These changes result directly or indirectly from:
- Maturation of the Hypothalamic-pituitary Gonadotrophin unit
- Stimulation of the sex organs
- Secretion of sex steroids
What is the normal start and progression of puberty?
Normal puberty starts at a normal time and progresses at a normal rate (~4 years)
- Central activation of the HP Gonodal axis
- Progressive sequential changes
- Appropriate rate 3-4 years
What are the first signs of puberty in girls?
Girls first signs
- Breast development (Tanner stage 2)
- Then growth spurt
What are the first signs of puberty in boys?
- Increased testicular enlargement
- > 3ml
- Growth spurt later
What are the so called three puberties?
Fetal life: HPA axis turns on & sexual differentiation occurs
Infant: Minipuberty, HPA axis turns on a little and then turns off.
Teen: Regular puberty
Describe the pubertal onset and sequence in girls:
Insert slide 8
Describe the pubertal onset and sequence in boys:
Insert slide 9
- Thelarche
- Pubarche
- Gonadarche
- Menarche
- Gynaecomastia
- Thelarche : Breast development
- Pubarche : Pubic hair development
- Gonadarche : Gonadal development
- Menarche : First menstural period
- Gynaecomastia : Breast development in boys
Whats a better indicator of male development than pubic hair?
Testicular volume
+3ml = puberty, orchidometer
What happens to penile growth?
Stops between 5-10 and after 18
Write some notes on tanner stage breast development:
Stage 2: Elevation of breast, bud still attatched
Stage 3: Further elevation and areola but no separation or contour
Stage 4: Areola and papilla form a secondary mound above level of breast.
Stage 5: Areola recesses to the general contour of the breast
About shape and contour NOT SIZE
Slide 18
slide 18
Where in the Hypothalamus is GnRH released from?
GnRH : Median preoptic nucleus
Describe the negative feedback loop of GnRH in females and so on:
GnRH (Hypo) -> FSH and LH -> (FSH acts on GCs to produce aromatase and Inhibin) (LH acts on Theca cells to produce Androgens) [Aromatase converts Androgens to estrogens)
Estrogen i.e estradiol negatively feedbacks to H&P
Inhibin negatively feedsback to pituitary
Progesterone produced from the later CL negatively feeds back to the H&P
Describe the negative feedback loop of GnRH in males and so on:
GnRH (Hypo) -> FSH and LH -> (LH acts on leydig cells to produce testosterone) (FSH acts on sertoli cells to produce inhibin)
Testosterone feedsback negatively to the HYPOTHALAMUS
Inhibin feedsback negatively to the pituitary
Describe the changes in LH and FSH secretion during puberty:
Early: Tonic phase increases, night pulses begins
Mid-puberty: Greater increase in tonic phase, Higher amplitude night pulses
Late puberty: Day and night pulses
What is the gonadostat?
- Intrinsic CNS inhibitory system (enhances HPG negative feedback loops)
- Sex steroid dependent
- GABA appears to be the potent inhibitor of GnRH secretion
Insert slife 28
Describe the childhood to puberty transition:
- Gonadostat is turned off
- Increased pulsatile GnRH and LH/FSH secretion
- Increased sex steroid production
- Reduced sensitivity to negative feedback from sexy steroids
What is kisspeptin? Where does it send neurons?
- Product of the kiss-1 gene
- Natural occuring ligand for GPR54
- Has neurons: Arcuate nucleus, periventricular nucleus, preoptic nucleus (GnRH cellbodies)
Whats the evidence to suggest kisspeptin as a puberty trigger?
- GPR54 inactivation mutations leads to a failure to go into puberty
- Kisspeptin administration to prepubertal rats stimulates LH and ovulation
- KISS1 and GPR54 expression increased at the start of puberty
- The GPR54 receptor regulates GnRH secretion and or release from the hypothalamus
What stimulates inhibin and what does it do?
- Inhibin release stimulates by FSH
- Negative feedback to FSH secretion
Produced by sertoli cells and GCs
Whats the role of leptin in puberty?
- May be a facilitatory signal to influence timing of puberty
- Increased fat = increased leptin (adipostatic hormone) and obese children have earlier onset puberty
- Leptin levels peak just prior to onset of puberty in boyus
- Leptin deficient mice dont achieve puberty, but, administration of leptin induces puberty