Lecture 21: Digestive Flashcards
Lis the various functions of the vertebrate gut tract
Transportation: peristalsis, reverse peristalsis
Physical treatment: chewing, propulsive peristalsis, intermittent constrictive contractions.
Chemical treatment: digestive enzymes, digestive acids, bile
Absorption: movement from lumen into blood/lymph.
Describe some of the factors that have influenced the evo. Of the vertebrate digest tract
Pleuroperitoneal cavity:
- fishes
- amphibians
- many tetrapods
Peritoneal cavity:
- some reptiles
- birds
- mammals
Differ based on compartmentalization
List and characterize in order the layers of the typical gut tube
Midgut: part containing yolk or to which yolk sac is attached.
Foregut: part anterior to midgut. Forms pharynx, esophagus, stomach, much of small intestine
Hindgut: part posterior to midgut. Forms remainder of intestine and cloaca.
Describe the evolution of the tongue in vertebrates and explain why the tongue in higher vertebrates is innervated by three cranial nerves.
Primary tongue: elevation of floor in oropharyngeal cavity-amphibians, fishes, amphibinas w/ persistent gills
Primary w/ extension: glands w/ sticky substance- terrestrial salamanders
Tongue of reptiles/mammals: hyoid arch derivative.
Bird tongue: almost entirely devoid of intrinsic musculature.
It is derived from 3 different pharyngeal arches
List in order and describe the layers of the generalized gut tube
Outer to inner:
- Serosa:outer layer CT. Simple squamous epithelium. Thin lubricating fluid.
- Longitudinal smooth muscle layer
- myenteric plexus (of auerbach)-controls smooth muscle
- circular smooth muscle layer
- meissner’s plexus (submucosal plexus)-GI secretion, absorption, and blood flow.
- submucosa: thick CT-arterioles
- mucosa: endoderm. Single cell layer.
–Myenteric and meissner’s plexuses: enteric NS. Operates autonomously via intrinsic regulation and sensory reflexes. Works w/ sympathietic and parasympathetic.
Compare the anatomy of the gut tract in various vertebrates and describe the variations in the ways that vertebrates have increased the surface area for absorption.
More folds enlargements throughout the evo lineage-more complexity
Esophagus: crop in grain eating birds. Similar to gizzard development (grinding mill)
Development of the stomach.
Shark: agar like spiral structure.
Absorptive surfaces: most small intestine. Plicae- fold of mucosa. Crypt-villus system-deep fosa btw villi to increase SA.
Describe the types of teeth found in the various vertebrate groups and be familiar w/ the nomenclature describing types of teeth.
Plankton (filter feeders) Insects Shellfish Flesh Piscivorous (carniverous) Vegetation (herbivores) Omnivorous
Slide 38
Describe the early mammalian molar and explain how. It has been “squared up” in modern herbivores
Pedicellate tooth: amphibians and reptiles ;
Thecodont tooth(enamel only): crocodillian and mammals;
Heterodonty in mammals:
canine- piercing
premolar and molars-mastication
Trigonoid/talonoid (triangular shaped) became squared up by:
- addiing an additional cusp (hypocone) to upper molar
- eliminating a conoid (paraconid) from lower molar.
Be familiar w/ the concept of dental formulas in various kinds of mammals.
Everyone has incisors, molars
Human have 32 teeth
Be familiar w/ the terminology given in this lecture r..t descriptions of teeth and dental patterns
Homodont: teeth are all the same
Heterodont: teeth come in different shapes
Polyhydont: permanent replacement of teeth
Diphyodont: 2 sets of teeth
Monophyodont: one set of teeth
Bunodont: all teeth on single plain
Humans: heterodont, diphyodont,and bunodont