Lecture 20 - Cortical Processing and Scene Analysis Flashcards
basic unit
frequencies of sound
auditory cortex is hierarchically organized
Neural signals travel through the
core (including A1), then belt,
followed by the parabelt area.
– Simple sounds (pure tones) cause activation in the core area.
– Belt and parabelt areas are
preferentially activated in response to more complex stimuli (tones, voices) made up of many
Simple sounds
retain tonotopy in the cochlea
cause activation in the core area.
belt and parabelt areas
are preferentially activated in response to more complex stimuli (tones, voices) made up of many
Bendor & Wang (2005)
experiment about tonotopy beyond A1
presented complex harmonic tones with the same fundamental frequency (182 Hz). [Work done in monkeys.]
• Single-cell recordings were done outside A1 (belt and parabelt area)
• Six different sounds were played, each made up of diff harmonics
Bendor & Wang (2005) recorded from a cell just outside A1 (belt and parabelt) and
found that it responded to…
.....complex tones with the same fundamental frequency (fundamental frequency perceived as the same basic tone). Such cells were called pitch neurons
(basically same cell responded to all those complex tones because it like the fundamental frequency even though the frequencies themselves different)
- Demonstration of hierarchical organization in auditory cortex.
- Also links perception to physical quality of sound.
pitch neurons
cells just outside of A1 that respond to complex tones with the same fundamental frequency
right outside of A1
seem to like particular perceived pitches: always looking for that repeating pattern established by the spacing of the two frequencies
organized by HOW WE PERCEIVE the stimulus, not their physical components
Are the representations modular?
Effect of training (experience-dependent plasticity) on tonotopic maps:
– Owl monkeys were trained to discriminate between two frequencies near 2,500 Hz.
– Trained monkeys showed tonotopic maps (in A1) with enlarged areas with neurons that responded to 2,500 Hz compared to untrained monkeys.
Importantly, the monkey’s were better at the task after training.
- the cells spread out: it wasn’t just one small region that responded to the particular frequencey (had more cortex working on the discrimination problem: IT CHANGED!!)
- there is certainly hierachical organization, but not necessary modular
Single cell fires to the fundamental frequency….
….regardless of which harmonics
are played.
we do have a well ordered tonotopic map, BUT it is….
malleable, not purely innante, not static, changes over time!!!
change the environment or stimuli = change the neural representation
Experience-dependent plasticity
Experiment by Fritz et al. (single-cell recordings)
– Ferrets were trained to stop licking a water spout in response to a pure tone embedded within a stream of complex tones.
– Single neuron recorded before and after training. Originally responds best to ~9 kHz tone.
– The neuron became quickly tuned to the target frequency (6 kHz, blue arrow) and maintained the effect for hours after the testing session.
this task was starting to take over some of the functionality of other neurons:
!!! there’s a lot of plasticity, and plasticity is enforced by behaviors and environment !!!
What, or ventral stream
starts in the anterior portion of the core and belt and extends to the prefrontal cortex.
– Responsible for identifying
sounds: being able to tell what pitch a tone is, being able to tell tones or pitches apart
Where, or dorsal stream
starts in the posterior core and belt and extends to the parietal and prefrontal cortices.
– Responsible for locating sounds (auditory localization task).
fMRI evidence for
what/where streams
– Pitch recognition (what)
tasks activate more ventral regions.
– Location detection (where)
tasks associated with greater
activation in dorsal areas.
Brain damage evidence
Patient with temporal lobe damage (‘what’ pathway) has trouble recognizing sounds, but can localize.
- Patient with parietal lobe damage (‘where’ pathway) can recognize sounds, but is very poor with localization.
- Nice double-dissociation!!
Patient with temporal lobe damage
has trouble recognizing sounds, but can localize.
can’t say that that’s a bird or a car horn
can’t tell if the pitch went up or down
Patient with parietal lobe damage
can recognize sounds, but is very poor with localization.
trouble with spatial processing for auditory tones