Lecture 20 Flashcards
What are SNS effects on eyes, heart, bronchi, GI tract, adrenal medulla, sweat glands?
Eyes: mydriasis and increase ocular fluid formation
Heart: Increase heart rate and force of contraction. Increase blood flow to coronary arteries. Overall increase in blood pressure.
Bronchi: Dilation of bronchi
GI tract: relaxation of GI tract, bladder. Constriction of urinary sphincter
Adrenal medulla: release of epinephrine
Sweat glands: increase sweating (although this is not an adrenergic receptor. It’s mAChR).
Which are the three main norepinephrine (NE) receptors?
Alpha 1, Alpha 2, and Beta 1.
What is the main ligand at the B2 receptor?
What are the norepinephrine effects on the a1, a2, and b1 receptors? Where are these receptors located?
Alpha 2: decrease cAMP, GI relaxation, CNS effects (sedation, pain analgesia)
Alpha 1: GLASS-S (GI relaxation. Liver gluconeogenesis and glygenoysis. Arterial constriction to skin and viscera. Smooth muscle constriction of vas deferens, pupils, uterus, sphincters. Skin piloerector muscle contraction. Salivation.)
Beta 1: Heart- increased rate and force of contraction. Kidneys- renin release to increase BP. Fat- lipolysis.
Alpha 2 is located on the presynaptic cell and Alpha 1 and Beta 1 are located on post-synaptic cells.
In what respect is the a2 receptor different from the others?
It is on the presynaptic cell and it provides negative feedback to the release of norepinephrine. Activating it suppresses sympathetic tone.
How is norepinephrine action in the cleft terminated?
It is taken up by either the pre or post synaptic cell and metabolized by MAO or COMT.
What are catecholamines? Name 3 examples. What is their deitary precursor?
Catecholamines are molecules used as neurotransmitters by the sympathetic nervous system that all have catecholamines as their backbones.
Examples: dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
Their common dietary precursor is Tyrosine.
How is norepinephrine broken down in the presynaptic versus the postsynaptic cell (2 enzymes)?
Presynaptic metabolism uses MAO and post synaptic metabolism uses COMT.
Which receptors will epinephrine mostly activate as an agonist and which less so?
Epinephrine is non-selective adrenergic agonist but it has a higher affinty for beta receptors than alpha receptors.
Why does epinephrine have a short half-life?
Because it is metabolized so quickly. The body breaks it down quickly because it has drastic effects on the cardiovascular system.
What are cardiovascular effects of epinephrine (by receptor)?
- B1 actionontheheartincreasesheartrateandforceofcontraction
- B2 actiononbloodvesselscausesvasodilationanddecreasesperipheralresistance
- A1 actiononbloodvesselscausesvasoconstrictionandincreasesperipheralresistance(bloodpressure). This A1 actioniswhatmakesepinephrinesuchapotentvasoconstrictionlocally.
What are dose-dependent affects of epinephrine on BP (low versus high concentrations)?
At low dose, epinephrine will activate beta receptors causing vasodilation to the skeletal muscle, coronary arteries, and renal arteries. This causes a decrease in BP.
At higher doses, alpha receptors are activated which cause perihperal constriction of blood vessels, leading to an increase in blood pressure.
What are 5 epinephrine effects on different smooth muscle tissues?
Relaxation of: bronchi, uterus, urinary bladder, GI tract.
Constriction of sphincters, pupils.
What are the effects of epinephrine on metabolism (think “flight and fight”)?
They increase lipolysis, glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. Also inhibits secretion of insulin and increases secretion of glucagon.
4 clinical applications for epinephrine
Increase heart rate and force of contraction in cardiac arrest.
Reduce bronchospasm
Treat allergic reactions (hypersensitivity reaction, anaphylactic shock)
Local vasoconstriction (w/local anesthetic, control hemorrhage, glaucoma)