Lecture 2: Parkinson's Disease Flashcards
What is the mean age of onset for PD?
60 years
What are the clinical features of parkinsons?
Muscle stiffness (rigidity)
Resting tremor
also postural deficits, impaired gait, short shuffling steps, cramped handwriting, dementia in later stages sometimes
What are the pathological features of PD?
degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta and in the caudate-putamen
What are Lewy bodies made of?
alpha-synuclein protein aggregates
What is the pathological species responsible for death of dopaminergic neurons?
Lewy bodies (small circular bodies located intracellularly in the cell body of axons of neurons in the basal ganglia)
What does the term Lewy body dementia refer to?
a broader term used to refer to both Parkinson’s disease dementia and Dementia with Lewy bodies that are both both caused by Lewy body pathological species
What is the difference between an excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter?
Excitatory neurotransmitters will increase the likelihood of the post-synaptic neuron will fire an action potential
Inhibitory neurotransmitters will decrease the likelihood of the post-synaptic neuron will fire an action potential
What is disinhibition?
Where you normally have the release of an inhibitory neurotransmitter from the pre-synaptic neuron, if you decrease the amount if inhibitory neurotransmitter being released by the pre-synaptic neuron, you will increase the likelihood of the post-synaptic neuron firing by removing the inhibition that is normally there
Describe the basal ganglia
Collection of nuclei that sit in the middle of the brain (considered subcortical) and contains the caudate nucleus and the putamen that send projections down to the substantia nigra. The caudate makes connections with the subthalamic nucleus.
Also contains the nucleus accumbens and the globus pallidus
Describe the direct motor circuit of the basal ganglia under normal conditions
The motor cortex releases excitatory NT glutamate into the caudate-putamen.
Stimulates GABA-ergic neurons in caudate-putamen to release GABA into the Substantia nigra pars reticulata and the Globus pallidus pars interna
Inhibits GABA-ergic neurons in Substantia nigra and Globus pallidus = less GABA released from these neurons
Disinhibition of glutametergic neurons in the thalamus = more glutamate released and stimulation of neurons in the motor cortex
What is the main role of the direct motor circuit?
To promote voluntary movement
What are the two anatomical divisions of the substantia nigra?
Pars compacta and the Pars reticulata
What are the two anatomical divisions of the Globas pallidus?
Pars externa and the Pars interna
What part of the basal ganglia does the motor cortex send projections to?
The caudate-putamen
How does dopamine function in the direct motor circuit?
Substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons releases dopamine and if dopamine binds to the D1 receptors of the caudate-putamen, this excites neurons in the caudate = stimulates the direct motor circuit that leads to increased voluntary movement.
Describe the indirect motor circuit of the basal ganglia under normal conditions
glutamate released from motor cortex
stimulates GABA-ergic neurons in the caudate putamen to release GABA
Inhibits GABA-ergic neurons in the Globus pallidus pars externa
Internal feedback mechanisms means there is disinhibition of the pars interna in the globus pallidus
Also disinhibition of glutamateric neurons in the subthalamic nucleus = excitatory glutamate NT released into the pars reticulata of the substantia nigra and the pars interna of the globus pallidus
This stimulates firing of GABA-ergic neurons = increased release of GABA from the Globus pallidus pars interna and Substantia nigra Pars reticulata into the thalamus
This inhibits glutamateric neurons in thalamus = decreased activation of the motor cortex and decreased movement.
What is the role of the indirect motor circuit?
To modulate the direct pathway - decrease voluntary movement
How does dopamine function in the indirect motor circuit?
Dopamine released from the substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons and if binds to D2 receptors in the caudate putamen
- this inhibits the GABA-ergic neurons in the caudate and ultimately increase movement by inhibiting the inhibitory indirect motor circuit.