Lecture 2 - Neuronal ion channels Flashcards
What is the formula for Vm? (membrane potential) and what is the Vm of a resting cell?
Vin - V out
= -60 to - 70
On a resting cell, in regards to the membrane potential (as the net charge on the inside and outside of a cell is relatively equal) - where is more negative, on the inside or outside of the cell?
The inside of the cell is more negative
Define the Nernst potenitial
The equilibrium/Nernst potential of an ion is the membrane potential at which there is no net (overall) flow of that particular ion from one side of the membrane to the other
What are some features of Resting membrane potential? (Bad question, just make sure to remember the facts of the answer)
- lipid bilayer is virtually impermeable to ions
- ions therefore can only cross the membrane through ion channels
- at rest, the passive ion fluxes are balanced so the membrane potential is constant - done by the Na/K-ATPase pump
Why is the membrane potential in neurons almost the Nernst potential for K+ (-75mV)?
In neurons the membrane is highly permeable to K+ as K+ channels open easily (leading to passive potassium diffusion along a conc. gradient)
-the Nernst potential for K+ (-75mV) is however slightly offset by Na+ influx, to about -70mV
What is the neuronal membrane potential?
What is the valence of K and when might this be used?
Valance of K = 58mV
When working out the Nernst potential for K+
What is hyperpolarisation?
When the membrane becomes more polar (more negative)
What is depolarisation?>
When the membrane becomes less negative, less polar
How can the voltage of a neuron be altered experimentally?
changing the current
What are electronic potentials?
Small depolarisation in a membrane voltage insufficient to pass the threshold of the sodium channel to open it
What does the current clamp measure and how is this technique done?
Current clamp measures the Vm response to an known injected quantity of current into a cell
- Whole cells measurement
- Use a current generator and voltage amplifier
What is investigated by a voltage clamp?
The amount of current necessary to achieve a defined membrane potential
E.g. Measure how much current necessary for repolarisation
How is voltage clamping achieved?
- monitor the voltage across a cell membrane whilst injecting a metered amount of current to clamp the transmembrane voltage at a desired level
- Voltage clamp amplifier takes measurement of the voltage and adjusts current dependent on the difference between the set voltage and the measured voltage
- then depolarise the membrane and measure how much current is requires to repolarise
What is the cell attached patch clamp technique for and how is it done? (Neher and Sakmann)
For measuring the activity of a single channel in the cell membrane
- place a glass electrode tip onto the membrane of the cell and apply a negative pressure to draw it up into the electrode
- this forms a high resistance seal between the walls of the tip and the membrane
- measure current required for repolarising and depolarising membrane (voltage clamp)
- can measure the activity of a single channel incorperated into the membrane and trapped in the tip of the electrode
How was the action of single channels opening and closing illuatrated through the patch clamp technique?
Through patch clamp technique with voltage gating shown that channels gated the same level of current each time they were open
-gradient shows the open/closing kinetics
What is the whole cell patch clamp technique and what does it allow?
Allows whole cell recording of Vm
- a pule of suction applied to a cell attached patch ruptures the membrane, and so that the membrane is continuous with the pipette
- must have v. well designed solution so the cell is not dialised
- allows properties of one type of channel to be studied by blocking the activity of other types with toxins/drugs/chemicals
- can study the behaviour of a population of channels by applying different currents and identify when the maximum current is flowing
What conclusions were drawn about the properties of the activation and inactivation gates of the Na+ and K+ channels via voltage clamp analysis?
Na+ Activation gate -Fast kinetics -closed at resting potential, opens in response to depolarisation Inactivation gate -open at resting potential, closes in repose to depaolarisation K+ Activation gate -Slow kinetics -closed at resting potential, open in response to depolarisation Inactivation gate -not present
What experiment did Hodekin and Katz do and what did this show?
- Altered the percentage of seawater/water a squid giant axon was bathed in
- showed different levels of action potential (mV levels) at different concentrations
- the action potential is slower and has less Mv the lower the % of salt concentration (less like sea water)
Why are K+ and Na+ channels thought to have a common ancestor, what are there structures and which is thought to be more evolutionarily ancient?
-similar molecular structures
Voltage gated K+ channel
-6 transmembrane spanning regions
-4 subunits
Voltaged gated Na+ channel
-6 transmembrane spanning regions
-4 subunits
Na+ channel though to be more evolutionarily recent
What structure is involved in the opening and closing of voltage gated ion channels?
- voltage sensor S4 helic
- opens/closes channel via a conformational change
- positively charged residues(lysine and arginine) in the S4 allow it to be sensitive to changes in membrane potential
- positively charged residues cause it to rotate as the membrane potential changes [at certain potentials (threshold) results in a conformational change]
Why can’t the S4 helix be used to inactive voltage gated ion channels?
the S4 helix is sensitive to changed membrane potential
-therefore it is open when inactivation needs to occur
What are the stability properties of the voltage gated Na+ channels?
open form = unstable, unenergectically favourable
blocked gate = stable
blocked gate and closed = unstable
closed resting = stable
How are the Na+ voltage gated ion channels closed? (same principle for K+ channels but v. slow)
Through the action of two gates on the channel, the activation gate and the inactivation gate
1 - At resting membrane potential, the activation gate ‘m’ is closed and the inactivation ‘h’ gate on is open. This is the closed resting state and the channel is stabilised
2- Depolarisation leads to the open conformation (open ‘m’ gate, open ‘h’ gate) and Na+ influx
3 - Prolonged depolarisation sees the opening of the K+ channel (much slower)
4 - Open conformation is unstable, within a couple of ms protein blocks the inactivate gate (h) leading to a more stable, energectically favourable conformation
4 - As the mp drops during repolarisation, the ‘m’ gate closes, leading to a closed and inactivated state which is unstable
5 - ‘h’ inactivation gate opens, leading to the closed resting state which is stable
6 - ion channels then return to the resting membrane potential state