Lecture 2: Mobility & Early Farming Flashcards
How much colder was it in the late ice age?
8-10 °C lower than today
How much lower was the sea level in the late ice age?
100-120m lower than today
When was the Younger Dryas
10,800-9600 BC
What was the Younger Dryas?
Abrupt climate change, global cooling
How much did the temperature drop in the Younger Dryas compared to today?
Up to 10 °C
What happened around 9600 BC?
Increasingly milder, wetter & warmer climate
How fast did the Younger Dryas end?
Abruptly, probably within decadal timescale (< 50 years)
What happened after the end of the Younger Dryas, having to do with water?
Retreat of ice; melting of glaciers; increase of rainfall; increase of water run-off; creation of rivers, marshes, lakes, ponds
What happened after the end of the Younger Dryas, having to do with sea level?
Increase of sea level & flooding of lowlands
What happened after the end of the Younger Dryas, having to do with vegetation and animals?
Expansion (recolonization) of forests & other vegetation + animals in regions formerly too cold and dry
When did the Geometric Kebaran live?
ca. 16.000-12.500 BC
In what areas did the Geometric Kebaran live?
Coasts, woodland, steppe, caves & open-air station
How big where the Geometric Kebaran sites?
Small, 15-600m2 (up to 2500 m2: Azraq)
What type of technology did the Geometric Kebaran have?
Microlith technology
What type of toolkit did the Geometric Kebaran have?
Portable toolkit: few bone tools & ground-stone tools