Lecture 2 history of CS Flashcards
the GrandFather of the Computer’
It is the first mechanical computer.
Babbage’s analytical engine
The first programmer.
Augusta Ada King
developed a machine for tabulating US census which
used punched cards
Herman Hollerith
piece of stiff paper that can be used to contain
digital data represented by the presence or
absence of holes in predefined positions.
punched card
It was a binary electrically driven mechanical
calculator, reading instructions from punched
celluloid film
Who created Z1
Konrad Zuse
What was created by Howard H. Aiken in 1943
first electro-mechanical computer:Aiken’s IBM Automatic Sequence
Controlled Calculator
mathematical model of a hypothetical computing
machine which can use a predefined set of rules to determine a result
from a set of input variables
turing machine
who invented EDVAC stands for Electronic Discrete
Variable Automatic Computer
▪ The First Stored Program Computer
Von Neumann
is a
general-purpose, compiled imperative
programming language that is especially
suited to numeric computation and
scientific computing
is a
compiled English-like computer
programming language designed for
business use
is a family of
general-purpose, high-level programming
languages whose design philosophy
emphasizes ease of use
a computer reservation
system which was developed to automate
the way American Airlines booked
describes a driving force of
technological and social change, productivity,
and economic growth
Moore’s law
what technologies became the technical
foundation of the Internet
Father of the modern PC
IBM Personal Computer
1 generation of comp
vacuum tubes
2 generation
transistors and diodes
3 gen
integrated circuits
4 gen
5 gen
first computer system to defeat a reigning
world champion under standard chess
tournament time controls
IBM’s Deep blue
launched Microsoft,
which became the world’s
largest PC software company
in 1975, Gates and Paul Allen
Apple in 1976 to sell Apple
computers with Macintosh OS
Jobs and Wozniak
Father of the World Wide Web
Sir Tim-Berners Lee
Google was founded by
arry Page
and Sergey Brin
Yahoo was founded by
Jerry Yang and David
who founded Amazon
Jeff bezos
Pierre Morad Omidyar
founded eBay
Who founded Alibaba
Jack Ma
Insta founders
Kevin Systrom and Mike