Lecture 2: Environmental Science and Sustainability Flashcards
Results of the increase in global human population
Habitat destruction, eutrophication, desertification, air pollution, water pollution, over harvesting, malnutrition, diseases, disasters, global climate change
What are the characteristics of science?
Disprovable, empirical, based on observation, a process (the scientific method), inductive reasoning (observations to generalizations)
What is a hypothesis?
An “if…then” statement that attempts to explain a phenomenon or answer a scientific question
What you measure- depends on the input
Dependent variable
What the scientists manipulates
Independent variable
Steps to the scientific method
Observe, questions, hypothesis, predictions, test of hypothesis, results, reject/accept hypothesis
Offers a broad, fundamental explanation of many observations; based on all tested hypotheses, deals with how or why something happens, not just a ‘conjecture’ but is a great achievement
Simple empirical statement that summarizes things as they are; states that something happens, allows you to predict what will happen, does not explain why
Thomas Kuhn- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962)
Claimed that science progresses through paradigm shifts, theories and inferences progress in fits and starts
Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543)
Made celestial observations, published ideas that Earth rotated on its axis once daily and traveled once around the sun yearly. Conflicted with Ptolemy’s and biblical interpretation that Earth was the center of the univsere
Galileo Galilei
Improved telescope in 1609, confirms Copernican theory, held under house arrest for rest of life after doing so
What are scientific theories based on?
Consensus among scientists. Science is a continuous refinement of understanding rather than definitive ‘proof’
There will always be a level of uncertainty; instruments cannot make perfect measurements; until all of the important variables are understood, they cannot be controlled for; nature contains real variability; future is unknown
Why is uncertainty difficult for people to process?
Uncertainty is sometimes used to discount scientific conclusions
A broad discipline that tries to explain how life on earth is sustained, what leads to environmental problems, how those problems can be solved
Environmental science