Lecture 2 - Binary Classification Flashcards
Binary Classification and Related tasks
Tasks, Instances, Instance Space, Label Space, Output space, model
What is the difference between instances and instance space
Instances: the objects of interest in machine learning described with features
Instance Space: the space of all possible instances
Tasks, Instances, Instance Space, Label Space, Output space, model
What is the difference between Label Space and Output Space
Label Space: labels of example instances
Output space: the space of the outcomes (or targets) of the task
Tasks, Instances, Instance Space, Label Space, Output space, model
What is a Model?
A mapping from the input space to the output space potentially using labelled examples
What is a binary classifier?
Binary classifier has only two class labels (example: True or False)
What is the term “learning a classifier”?
Learning a classifier involves constructing the function c^ such that it matched c as closely as possible
What are the two ways of assessing performance of a binary classifier?
- Contigency table
- ill get back
What is a contingency table?
A matrix that displays the (multivariate) frequency distribution of the variables. c(x) and c^(x)
table looks like?
predicted + predicted -
actual + True positive False negative
actual - False positive True negative
Contingency table
acc = (TP+TN)/Total
Contingency table
Error rate?
err = (FP + FN)/total
Contingency table
What is an unbalanced dataset?
a dataset within which one or some of the classes have a much greater number of examples than the other
Contingency table
What do we use in an unballanced dataset?
name 5 >:)
- True Positive rate, sensitivity, recall
- True Negative rate, specificity
- False Positive rate, false alarm rate
- Flase Negative rate
- Precision, confidence
What is F-measure or F1 score?
F-measure is a performance metric that is not affected by negatives as a weighted harmonic mean of precision and recall
what is harmonic mean used for
helps to find multiplicative or divisor relationships between fractions without worrying about common denominators. Harmonic means are often used in averaging things like rates (e.g the average travel speed given a duration of several trips).
What is the F-measure formula?
F1 = 2(prec x rec)/(prec + rec)