Lecture 2 Flashcards
Rheobase definition:
The amount of current that needs to be injected into a MN to generate an AP
Muscle force is controlled in two ways:
- Recruitment- Recruit more motor units
- Rate coding- Make the ones that are active fire more often
Henneman’s size principle:
Orderly recruitment is due to variations in motor neuron cell body size
What size motor neurons are recruited first according to Henneman’s size principle?
Smaller motor neurons
What observation did Denny-Brown (1938) make with respect to performance of movement?
Performance of a particular movement always appears to be accomplished by the activation of motor units in a set sequence
Positive effects of recruitment of MUs in an orderly fashion:
- Sequence is predetermined
- Brain only needs to control the level of the input to the motor pool
- Adding larger MUs near the end of a contraction when incremental increase will have a substantial effect on net force
- Fine motor control
Negative effects of recruitment of MUs in an orderly fashion:
- Inability to selectively activate motor units out of order
- Limited in the rate of force development
Twitch definition:
The physiological response of a motor unit to a single stimulation
Different twitch profiles per motor unit type:
FG: Fast twitch- Glycolytic
FOG: Fast twitch- oxidative/glycolytic
SO: Slow twitch- oxidative
Latent period definition:
Represents time between AP and onset of torque- speed of binding
Peak definition:
Measures force which is dependent on the number of crossbridges
Contraction phase:
Speed of powerstroke, dependent on cycling rate of myosin (measured by contraction time)
Relaxation phase:
Phase based on resequestering of Ca2+ (measured by half relaxation time HrT)
Why does fused tetanus generate more force than a single twitch?
The levels of calcium in the sarcoplasm of the skeletal muscle stay higher for longer during a fused tetanic contraction
What is a surface EMG?
Uses electrodes adhered to the skin that pick up electrical activity of the muscle underneath (AP down the sarcolemma)
What does a surface EMG allow us to see?
What the nervous system is doing non-invasively