Lecture 2 Flashcards
a permanent abnormal widening of the airways due to inflammation.
Physical Deconditioning
decline in cardiovascular function due to physical inactivity
age-related changes to the esophagus causing reduced strength of esophageal contractions and slower transport of food down the esophagus.
voiding at least once during the night. (If the happens once per night)
Age-related decrease in the eye’s ability to change shape of the lens to focus on near objects (Begins in 40s)
age-related high-frequency sensorineural hearing
Decrease in smell acuity
The decline walking speed and/or grip strength related to decreased muscle mass/function.
Aging changes
Anatomical and physiological changes that are attributed to aging…All cells are affected by AGING
Risks to Adequate Respiration due to Aging
- Trachea stiffens = reduces ability to cough
- Reduced number of nerve endings lead to = weaker gag reflex
- Lungs become smaller in weight and size= Decreased recoil
- Alveoli are less elastic = reduces gas exchange
- Loss of skeletal muscle strength in the thorax and diaphragm = leads to Kyphosis or a look of having a “barrel chest”.
As people get older they have a different …
baseline temperature
What is on the nurse’s mind with a patient with respiratory problems?
- Hypoxia
- Easily fatigued related to decreased respiratory efficiency
- Risk of asthma
- Increased potential for infection
Leading cause of death in older adults
Risk to Adequate Circulation Related to Aging
- Heart valves increase in thickness and rigidity R/T sclerosis and fibrosis
- Aorta becomes dilated
- Slight ventricular hypertrophy
- Myocardial muscle loses some of its contractile strength causes a reduction in cardiac output, meaning it is less efficient with increased activity or demands on the heart.
- Diastolic filling and systolic emptying require more time to complete the cycle.
- Calcification and reduced elasticity of vessels. Reduces regulation of blood pressure. Reduced arterial BP leads to decreased tissue profession.
- Changes are usually gradual and become more apparent when the older adult is placed under increased activity. Consider early morning walks to restroom – increased death.
Nursing Considerations for geriatric patients with Cardiovasuclar patients
-Poor peripheral circulation (Fluid in legs and lower extremities? Edema? Fingernails Capillary refill?)
-Easliy fatigued
-Inadequate circulation to heart tissue
-Shortness of breath
-Reduced cardiopulmonary tissue perfusion
o Hypotension
o Tachycardia
o Edema
o Dyspnea
o Delirium (Sign of infection? Lack of oxygen? Will cause mental status change.)
o Restlessness
o Pallor
o Memory disturbance (A recent change of memory