Lecture 2 Flashcards
Describe a boreal forest “Tiaga”
- Freezing temps for 6-8 months
- Coniferous forest
- 16 million km2
- 11.5% of terrestrial ecosystem area
- Low tree species diversity
- Make up 30% of global forests
- Responsible for 20% of carbon uptake
Describe the arctic tundra
- Tundra = treeless
- Lands beyond the northern tree limit
- 5.5% of terrestrial land surface
- Above 0 for only 2-6 months of the year
- Grasses and sedges and shrubs dominate
- Light not limiting
What are some commonalities between arctic and boreal ecosystems (6)
- Cold - slow decomposition
- Short growing season (summer) - low nutrients
- Long snow cover duration - freeze tolerant plants
- Environmental extremes - low biodiversity
- Permafrost - slow growth
- High winds, ice abrasion - great longevity
What is GPP
Gross primary productivity
Plant photosynthesis of an ecosystem - positive carbon uptake
What is NPP
Net primary productivity - remove loss from plant respiration (carbon flux in = less)
What is Reco
Ecosystem respiration
Soil respiration and plant respiration
What is NEP
Net ecosystem productivity
Net exchange of carbon GPP-Reco
What is NEB
Net biome exchange
Over longer timescales and landscape scales
What is NPP of tundra vs tropical
1/10 of tropical
What is NPP of boreal vs tropical
How much more c is held in soil than plant biomass in the boreal ecosystems
2-3 times more c is held in soil than plant biomass in the boreal ecosystems
How much more c is held in soil than plant biomass in the boreal ecosystems in the arctic tundra
5 times more c is held in soil than plant biomass in the boreal ecosystems
What is a carbon turnover rate
The amount of time an atom will stay in an ecosystem once taken up
What ecosystems have the lingers carbon turnover rates
Boreal and mountainous areas
What ecosystem has the longest carbon turnover rates in the world