Lecture 19 - Early Vertebrates Fishes 1 Flashcards
Name of bony fishes
Name of Armoured , jawless fish
What’s the name of the 1st gnathostomes.
- heavily armoured (like ostracoderms)
- evolved many forms
- extinct with no descendants
2 distinct lineages of bony fish
Ray - finned
Lobe -finned
What is the 2 classes of living jawless fish?
Myxini (hagfish). & petromyzontida ( lampreys).
Hagfish. Name the class and key traits.
Skull of cartilage but no jaws or vertebrae
- swim using segmented muscles against cartilage notochord
- keratinized teeth
- secrete water absorbing substance
- forms slime to repulse other scavengers or predators
Members : all marine. Mainly scavengers.
Lampreys . Name class and key traits.
Notochord is main axial skeleton in adult ( like hagfish). But is surrounded by cartilaginous pipe with projections partially enclosing nerve cord.
- round jawless mouth with rasping tongue.
- inject anticoagulant
Members : parasitic on fish
Marine members spawn in freshwater and die , leaving eggs.
What is a lateral line?
Consists of mechanoreceptors
Detect vibrations
Ampullae of Lorenzini
Consist of electroreceptors
Detect bioelectric fields from prey
Lay eggs that hatch outside mother’s body
Release eggs encased in protective coating
Eggs retained in oviduct.
Embryos nourished by egg yolk
Born after hatching within uterus
Young develop within uterus
Nourished by yolk sac placenta , absorbing fluid, eating other eggs
Ray finned is within what class?
Class actinopterygii