Lecture 18- Regulation of Gene Expression II Flashcards
eukaryotic transcription is more complex than prokaryotic transcription
packaging of DNA into chromatin provides additional opportunities for regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
eukaryotic DNA is packaged into chromatin
net result of condensation during interphase and mitosis: each DNA molecule has been packaged into a mitotic chromosome that is 10,000x shorter than its fully extended length
interphase packaging of DNA
short region of DNA double helix -> “beads on a string” form of chromatin -> chromatin fiber of packed nucleosomes
“beads on a string” chromatin
- linker DNA is “string”
- core histones of nucleosome is “bead”, 11 nm diameter
- histone H1 binds to linker DNA
- nucleosome includes ~200 nucleotide pairs of DNA
- nuclease digests linker DNA -> released nucleosome core particle
- -dissociates with high concentration of salt into histome octamer and 147 nucleotide pair DNA double helix
- octamers further dissociate into H2A, H2B, H3, and H4
eukaryotic DNA is packaged into chromatin
- tight packaging of chromatin inhibits transcription
- open chromatic facilitates transcription
- proteins that influence chromatin structure can regulate gene expression
1. chromatin remodeling complexes- histone modification enzymes
chromatin remodeling complexes
-uses energy of ATP to reposition the DNA wrapped around the nucleosomes
A. phosphorylates ATP to catalyze nucleosome sliding (tightens DNA) -> condensed chromatin, DNA is less accessible to other proteins -> INHIBITS transcription
B. phosphorylates ATP in repeated rounds of nucleosome sliding (loosens DNA) -> decondensed chromatin, DNA more accessible to other proteins -> FACILITATE transcription