Lecture 18 - Hematoxicology 2 Flashcards
- What plant is pictured below?
- Where can this plant be found?
Red Maple (Acer rubrum)
Found in the entire eastern US
and Canada
Red maple (Acer rubrum) is a deciduous tree native to eastern North America
but is found as far west as Texas.
Red maple is planted as an ornamental because of its vibrant fall colours, and
it thrives better in altered environments and has outcompeted rival species.
Red Maple (Acer rubrum)
Toxic principles: ___________
○ ______ acid and ______
oxidants, Gallic, tannins
Red Maple (Acer rubrum)
Species affected?
: equine (horses, ponies, Grevy’s zebra) following ingestion of wilted or dried leaves. Bark also is toxic
Red Maple (Acer rubrum) ADME
_______ acid is metabolized to ________ acid in equine ileum by ___________ ______ or ____________________-
_______ acid is further metabolized to ________ in equine ileum also by ___________ ______ or ____________________
___________ is absorbed in equine ileum and
interacts with ____ (Fe) to form _____ ________
leading to the oxidation of ____ to ____ in Hb to form ________
Tannic acid is metabolized to gallic acid in equine
ileum by Klebsiella pneumoniae or Enterobacter
Gallic acid is further metabolized to pyrogallol in
equine ileum also by K. pneumoniae or E.
Pyrogallol is absorbed in equine ileum and
interacts with iron (Fe) to form free radicals
leading to the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ in Hb to
form methemoglobin
What is the MOT of Red Maple Toxicosis?
Oxidative damage of Hb → precipitation of
oxidized Hb as ______ _____ in the RBCs →
RBCs are then removed by the ______
(extravascular hemolysis)
Damage to RBC membranes → altered
_________ → intravascular ________
Both processes result in severe progressive
In addition, hemoglobin is filtered in _____ →
________ in renal tubules → renal ________
Mechanisms of Toxicity
Oxidative damage of Hb → precipitation of
oxidized Hb as Heinz bodies in the RBCs →
RBCs are then removed by the spleen
(extravascular hemolysis)
Damage to RBC membranes → altered
permeability → intravascular hemolysis
Both processes result in severe progressive
In addition, hemoglobin is filtered in kidney →
precipitation in renal tubules → renal failure
What are the clinical signs of red maple toxicosis?
Poisoning is more likely in fall/late summer or
after a storm when fallen red maple leaves/tree
branches are accessible to horses. Poisoned
animals display:
Depression, anorexia, acute hemolytic anemia
with weakness, increased respiratory and heart
rates, cyanosis, icterus, and a red-brown
coloration of the urine, decreased PCV, Heinz
bodies, proteinuria, weakness, coma and death
Abortion may occur in pregnant mares
Paracute death from tissue anoxia may occur
How do you Dx Red Maple Toxicosis?
History of ________ to red maple leaves
Poisoning occurs primarily between ____ and _____
________ signs
Rule out other causes of _______ ______
History of exposure to red maple leaves
Poisoning occurs primarily between July and October
Clinical signs
Rule out other causes of hemolytic anemia
What are your DDx for Red Maple Toxicosis?
Causes of hemolytic anemia
Equine infectious anemia
Onion toxicosis
Nitrate/nitrite toxicosis
Brassica toxicosis
Naphthalene toxicosis
How do you Tx Red Maple Toxicosis?
Allium (?)
Herbaceous plants with bulbs
Domesticated and wild varieties
Found throughout North America
Toxic principle: ?
Allium (Onion, Garlic, Leek, Chives)
Herbaceous plants with bulbs
Domesticated and wild varieties
Found throughout North America
Toxic principle: n-propyl disulfide and other disulfides
List the exposure and risk factors for allium toxicity?
What is the toxic dose of allium toxicosis?
What is the MOT of Allium toxicosis?
Affects the enzyme ______-__-_______________ _________ thereby impairing the hexose monophosphate pathway in RBCs
Oxidation of Hgb results due to insufficient
________ or _________
The oxidized Hgb precipitates in the RBCs to
form _______ ________
RBCs with _______ _______ are removed in the spleen or undergo hemolysis → ________
______ are highly sensitive because their Hb is
more sensitive to oxidative damage
Affects the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase thereby impairing the hexose monophosphate pathway in RBCs
Oxidation of Hgb results due to insufficient
NADPH or glutathione
The oxidized Hgb precipitates in the RBCs to
form Heinz bodies
RBCs with Heinz bodies are removed in the
spleen or undergo hemolysis → anaemia
Cats are highly sensitive because their Hb is
more sensitive to oxidative damage
What are the clinical signs of allium toxicosis?
Anorexia, vomiting, salivation, lethargy, ataxia or
recumbency, rapid breathing and heart rates,
pale or icteric mucous membranes, onion odor
in breath and onion flavor in milk
Pregnant animals may abort
Hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria (dark red-
brown urine), reduced PCV and hematocrit,
Heinz bodies may be seen in RBCs, elevated
WBC count
How do you Dx Allium toxicosis?
Hematological parameters and urine appearance
History, clinical signs and examination of pasture
or property for Allium spp.
How do you treat Allium toxicosis?
Decontaminate: emesis (within 1 h), gastric
lavage (within 2-4 h), activated charcoal plus
cathartic (e.g., sorbitol)
Maintain cardiovascular support
IV fluids
Whole blood transfusion or Oxyglobin
Bracken Fern (
Pteridium aquilinum)
Native perennial herb
Occurs throughout the US
Young plants and rhizomes
are the most toxic
Toxic principles:
Cyanogenic glycoside
What is the Mechanisms of Toxicity of
Causes death of __________ cells in bone marrow
Causes urinary tract _______
Ptaquiloside causes DNA _______ and induction of _________
Ptaquiloside is secreted in ____ (the milk causes
__________ in mice)
Causes death of precursor cells in bone marrow
Causes urinary tract neoplasia
Ptaquiloside causes DNA alkylation and induction of
Ptaquiloside is secreted in milk (the milk causes
neoplasia in mice)
Disease Syndromes Caused by Bracken Fern
Clinical signs of bracken fern toxicosis?
Suppression of bone marrow activity occurs
after >3-4 weeks of exposure
There is severe pancytopenia with acute
onset of fever, lethargy and loss of appetite
Hemorrhaging via natural orifices: vulva,
mouth, conjunctiva and anterior chamber of
the eye
Bloody stool and urine
What can happen as a result of prolonged consumption of bracken fern?
Enzootic Hematuria
Red Water disease
Intermittent blood loss in urine from
hemorrhages and tumors in the urinary
Occurs after prolonged (2 years) consumption
of low levels (<10g/kg/d) bracken fern
Results in anemia, elevated heart rate,
○ Death from anemia
GI tract tumors result in:
Choking, coughing, bloat, emaciation
Regurgitation of greenish fluid and extended neck