Lecture 18: Fluid Analysis Flashcards
What is on a urine dipstick?
leukocytes, nitrites, urobilinogen, protein, pH, blood, specific gravity, ketones, bilirubin, glucose
What color is urine when abnormal bilirubin is present?
very dark orange/ brown
What can cause blue/green urine?
rare genetic disease, bacteria or medication, food dye
What does cloudy urine mean?
turbidity, this can indicate an infections
What does it mean if there is pus in the urine?
indicate infections but WBCs are better seen under the microscope
What does a sweet strong smell of acetone indicate?
diabetic ketoacidosis
What does strong foul smell indicate?
probably urinary tract infection
What does a fecal odor for urine indicate?
enterovesical fistula
is glucose typically found in the urine?
no as nearly all glucose is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule of the kidneys
Can urine glucose levels be used to monitor diabetes?
no urine glucose does not correspond with serum level… however is can be used as a clue in the detection of the disease
What form of bilirubin is excreted in the urine?
only the conjugated form is water soluble and can be excreted in the urine
When is bilirubin detected in the urine?
when the defect occurred after conjugation in the liver
conjugated bilirubinuria
obstruction of bile from the liver into biliary tract
hepatic disease- too impaired to secrete conjugated bilirubin into bile
an abnormality where conjugated bilirubin is detected in the urine
bilirubinuria is converted to urobilinogen by intestinal bacteria
when do ketones present in the urine?
Diabetic ketoacidosis Stavation ketoacidosis Alcoholic ketoacidosis High protein diets (Atkins®diet) Stressed, hospitalized patients Fasting patients
specific gravity
Specific gravity refers to the weight of the urine to the weight of an equal volume of water