Lecture 18: Femoral triangle and Antero-Medical Thigh Flashcards
What is the Fascia Lata made of and its purpose.
This is deep fascia: fibrous connective tissue made of collagen 1 fibres running down the vertical axis of lower limb.
Purpose is to cover thigh and separate it into muscular compartments (with the intermuscular septa) and form part of the Iliotibial band
Where does the Fascia Lata attach to superiorly and where does it end
It attaches superiorly to the anterior superior illiac spine, inguinal ligament and pubic tubercle. Laterally to the illiac crest and posteriorly to the sacrum, coccyx and ischial tuberosity.
It extends down the thigh and continues with the deep fascia of the leg.
What two muscles are enclosed by split layers of Fascia Lata
Fascia Lata splits to enclose the tendons of Tensor fascia lata and Gluteus maximus
What is the iliotibial band/tract made of, where does it insert and whats its purpose
It is made from fascia lata blending with the tendon of tensor fascia lata on the lateral side of the thigh which goes to insert into the lateral aspect of the tibia. Its purpose is to stabilise the knee when standing upright
What is the Saphenous opening and its contents
This is a hole just inferior to the inguinal ligament in the fascia lata where Saphenous vein passes through to meet the Femoral vein
Where does the inguinal ligament attach
The Anterior superior illiac spine (ASIS) and the pubic turbercle
Which is lateral and medial : Greater & lesser trochanter and where is the linea aspera in relation to these two structures
Greater trochanter is on lateral, and lesser trochanter on medial, slightly smaller and lower. The Linea Aspera is the posterior ridge between these two trochanters down the back of the femur for muscle attachment
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and movement of Tensor Fascia lata
O: ASIS and illiac crest
I: Lateral condyle of tibia
N: Superior Gluteal nerve
Movement: Abduct thigh and stabilise the pelvis during walking
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and movement of Pectineus (smaller muscle lying between ant and med compartment)
O: Superior pubic ramus
I: Inferior to lesser trochanter
N: Femoral and Obturator nerve
Movement: adducts and flexes the thigh
What two muscles make up Iliopsoas and what is the common insertion
Iliacus and Psoas Major which insert on the lesser trochanter
What is the origin of the Iliacus and the Psoas major muscle
Iliacus : iliac fossa and lateral sacrum.
Psoas Major: Lumbar vertebrae: L2-4
What is the movement of Iliopsoas - (and component muscles)
Flexes and externally rotates the thigh
What is the innervation of Iliacus and Psoas major
Iliacus: Femoral nerve
Psoas major : L2-L3/4 spinal nerve
What is the origin, insertion and movement of Sartorius - the snaky muscle
I: Pes Anserinus
Movement : Flexes, abducts, externally rotates thigh and flexes leg (put in sitting position
What muscles make up Quadriceps Femoris
Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Intermedius and Medialis
What is the common insertion of the muscles in Quadriceps Femoris
Superior Patella quadriceps tendon which is the tibial tuberosity via Patella tendon
What is the origin and movement of the Rectus femoris
Origin: AIIS (straight head) and Superior acetabular rim (reflected head)
Movement is to flex the thigh (as it acts on both hip and knee joint) and extend the leg
What is the origin for Vastus Lateralis, V intermedius and V medialis
V Lateralis : Greater trochanter and linea aspera
V Intermedius: Superior 2/3 of femoral shaft, lateral intermuscular septum
V Medialis: Intertrochanteric line, medial intermuscular septum
What is the common action of the Vastus muscles
To extend the leg /knee