Lecture 17 Protozoa Flashcards
List the defining chracteristics of Phylum Ciliophora.
1) Simple cilia or compound ciliary organelles in at least one stage of life
2) Two types of nuclei
3) Contractile vacuole present
4) Binary fission transverse
5) Sexuality involving conjugation
6) Most species free living, but many commensal,
7) Some parasitic
Ciliophora are VERY VERY abundant and DIVERSE. They have at least one cilia in a stage of their life.
Cilia allows them to move around a bit. Also allows them to move things around. If there are nutrients particles in the proximity, they can use the cilia to move them around and help in grazing.
What are the three amoebae included in Subphylum Sarcodina?
- Endamoeba blattae
- Common in intestines of insects
- Entamoeba histolytica
- Amoebic dysentery
- Naegleria and Acanthamoeba
Why should we care? They can be pretty important to human beings. They can cause amoebic dysentery.
They are very very common here in Florida. Top right image is a picture of an eye. The eye is black because of amoeba.
Naegleria and Acanthamoeba usually live in the lake. What happens to little Timmy who likes to open his eyes while swimming in the lake? These amoeba will colonize your eye, but won’t quite like living there. SO they will follow the tunnel towards the light (up your optic nerve or nose nerve) to the land of Oz (your brain). They will colonize your brain and no one else can do something about.
Define the two types of Protozoan nutrition.
Holozoic nutrition
- Nutrients acquired by phagocytosis
- Cytostome - used by some ciliated for phagocytosis.
Saprozoic nutrition
- Nutrients acquired by pinocytosis, diffusion, or carrier-
The morphology of protozoa are very similar to eukaryotes, however there is a key difference. What is it?
Protozoa have to differentiate organelles because their bodies are segregated.
What are the main differences between protozoa and prokaryotes in regards to reproduction?
Major difference from prokaryotes is that they are now able to undergo sexual reproduction - usually by conjugation.
Protozoa have sexes, but no distinguishable gentialia. Instead, there are (+) and (-) strains. One accepts genetic information and one donates genetic information.
How does Phylum Microspora cause disease in insect?
Nosema bombycis causes pebrine disease in silkworms.
1) Typical spore with one coiled filament.
2) When ingested, it extrudes the filament.
3) The parasite enters an epithelial cell in the intestine of the silkworm.
4) The parasite divides many times to form small amoebae that eventually fill the host cell and kill it.
5) , 6), and 7) Some of the amoebae with 4 nuclei become spores. Silkworms are infected by eating leaves contaminated by the feces of infected worms.
In protozoas, what is encystation?
- Formation of a cyst
- Resting state with a wall and low metabolic activity.
- Function of cysts
- Protection from changes in environment
- Sites for nuclear reorganization and cell division.
Name a few species from Phylum Sarcomastigophora and its unique characteristics.
1) Giardia lamblia. Causes Giardiasis: Gastrointestinal disorder. Giardia stays in your body for decades.
2) Trichomonas vaginalis. Causes Trichomoniasis - a sexually transmitted disease.
3) Trypanosomes. They are hemoflagellates. Important blood pathogens (e.g. causes African sleeping sickness). Probably the most studied protozoa on the planet is also one of the most deadly. What are hemoflagellates? They are guys that like to live in your blood. Much bigger than a red blood cell. The problem is that once your start collecting these organisms in your blood, it would be hard to get rid of them. Drugs would kill them, but their corpses will still stick around. Blood travels up to the brain, and their corpses can clog the fine pores in the blood/brain barrier, causing you to stroke out and die.
How to get rid of them? You would usually need to undergo some kind of blood transfusion.
Define paraphyletic.
Two groups without a common ancestor but they have been shunt together because they look similar.
List the characteristics of Subphylum Sarcodina.
- Locomotion primarily by pseudopodia
- Shells (tests) often present
- Flagella restricted to reproductive stages when present
- Asexual reproduction by binary fission
- Mostly free living
What is binary fission in protozoa?
A sexual reproduction. It is mitosis followed by cytokinesis.
List the defining characteristics of Phylum Myxozoa.
1) Spores of multicellular origin
2) One or more polar capsules
3) All parasitic, especially in fish
Have spores of multicellular origin. These guys have multicellular spores and are parasitic as well. These guys will just hang out in the fish gills all day long.
Where are most protozoa found?
- Primarily in moist habitats
- Most are free-living in aquative environments
- Terrestrial protozoa usually found in decaying organic matter and soil.
- Some are parasitic in plants and animals
What are the characteristics of a Protozoa?
- Unicellular, usually motile
- They lack a cell wall (usually)
- Chemoorganoheterotrophs
- They are NEVER multicellular!!!!!
What are hydrogenosomes?
- Observed in some anaerobic protozoa
- Small, membrane-delimited organelles that contain a unique electron transfer system
- Uses protons as terminal electron acceptors.
Protozoa are mainly what type of energy (nutrition) acquirer?
List the characteristics of Phylum Labyrinthomorpha.
1) Spindle-shaped cells capable of producing mucous tracks
2) Trophic stage as ectoplasmic network
3) Nonamoeboid cells
4) Saprozoic and parasitic on algae and seagrass
Labyrinthomorpha are an odd group of looking creatures in that they look like nerves.
What is the benefit of encystment and excystment?
It’s a great way to survive harsh environments, especially desiccation and high UV light levels.
What’s so unique about the Phylum Apicomplexa?
- They lack locomotor organelles
- Except for male gametes and zygotes
- ALL have apical complex
- Arrangment of fibrils, tubules, vacuoles, and other
They are named as they are because they have an apical complex. It is essentially a drilling complex that can allow them to drill into many different organisms. Why do I care about these guys? What does it matter to me? Since they have drilling abilities, they tend to eat or parasitize many kinds of creatures.
What are the three kinds of vacuoles that can be found in a protozoa? What are each of its role?
- Contractile vacuoles
- Osmoregulatory
- Expel water
- Phagocytic vacuoles
- Site of food digestion
- Secretory vacuoles
- Contain enzymes for specific functions (e.g. excystation)
Proteins are the kings of vacuoles. They have specialized vacuoles with specific bodily roles.
List the characteristics of Phylum Apicomplexa.
1) All members have a spore-forming stage in their life cycle
2) Contain an apical complex
3) Sexuality by syngamy
4) ALL species parasitic
5) Cysts often present
6) Cilia absent
7) Often called the Sporozoa
One of the largest groups of protozoa are the Apicomplexa
What are the importances of Protozoa?
- Important link in food chains and food webs
- Food chains - series of organisms, each feeding on the preceding one
- Food Web - complex interlocking series of food chains
- Make up a large part of plankton in aquatic habitats
- Research
- Model organisms because have same metabolic pathways as multicellular eukaryotes
- Causative agents of some important diseases in humans and other animals
List the defining characteristics of Phylum Ascetospora.
1) Spore with one or more spiroplasms
2) No polar capsules or polar filaments
3) ALL parasitic in invertebrates
What are the locomotory organelles that protozoas use?
- Some protozoa are nonmotile
- Motile species use one of the following:
- Cilia
- “Flagella” - only prokaryotes have a true flagella mechanism
How do organisms from Phylum Ciliophora obtain food (explain the path food molecules take)?
Enters cytostome -> Phagocytic vacuole -> Fuses with lysosome -> Digestion occurs -> Vacuole fuses with cytoproct -> Waste emptied outside
These are one of the first creatures with a “mouth”.
List the defining characteristics of Phylum Microspora.
1) Unicellular spores with spiroplasm containing polar filaments
2) Obligatory intracellular parasites. They lack a mitochondira.
Abundant and pathogenic in insects. Potential use as biological pest control. These guys ALL LACK a mitochondria. If I want to live inside cell, I don’t want to be so big. And if I don’t have to have a mitochondria, then that’s all swell.
What’s so special about Phylum Apicomplexa? That is, what is it about these sporozoas that are of importance in the medical world? (Name some species and the illnesses they are assoiated with)
- Plasmodium - malaria
- Cryptosporidium - cryptosporidiosis
- Toxoplasma - toxoplasmosis
- Eimeria - coccidiosis
These guys are the NUMBER ONE parasites on the planet.
Who are the symbiotic ciliates?
- Entodinium - commensals in rumens of cattle
- Nyctotherus - commensals in colon of frogs
- Balantidium coli
- Intestine of humans and other mammals
- Causes dysentery
A lot of these guys colonize guts of all organisms. They just want to sit around and graze on bacteria all day long so it’s all well and good for everyone.
However, these guys can cause all kinds of problems in people. Ichthyophthirius - “ick” disease in freshwater fish
What are trophozoites?
They are the vegetative form released by parastitic protozoa species. Trophozoites are the guys that usually cause most of the problems.
How many protozoa result from one conjugation pair?
Is Protozoa a formal taxon?
Protozoa is NOT a formal taxon. You are considered a protozoa if you are a eukaryote, but not an animal, plant, or fungi.
What is conjugation in protozoa?
Sexual reproduction. It is the exchange of gametic nuclei between paired protozoa of opposite mating types.
What is Protozoology?
The study of protozoa
What are the two differentiated vacuole?
1) Phagocytic vacuoles
2) Posterior contractile vacuole
In protozoas, what is excystation?
- Escape of a vegetative form from cyst.
- Usually triggered by return to favorable environment
Describe the Phylum Apicomplex life cycle.
- Involves two different hosts (usually mammal and mosquito)
- Involves both asexual and sexual phases.
- Asexual phase
- Rapid series of mitotic events producing infective organisms
- Produce during sexual phase
- Thick-walled, diploid structure
Oocyst stage is the stage that will go on and infest something else. Undergoes meiosis to produce spore.
What’s included in Subphylum Sarcodina?
- Genus Arcella: their test (shell) is made of chitinlike material secreted by the protist. They kind of look like armored jellyfish. Instead tentacles, they have pseudopodia.
- Amoebae
What are the characteristics of Phylum Sarcomastigophora?
Locomotion by flagella, pseudopodia, or both; when present, sexual reproduction is essentially syngamy (union of gametes external to the parents); single type of nucleus.
Collectively they are known as the zooflagellates.
Neat thing: MANY of these guys are parasites. If I’m going to be a parasite, I need to be able to drill into things. While they are flagellates, they
will often take flagella and wrap around their bodies, forming an undulating membrane that can allow them to move about quickly.
Have kinetoplast: elaborate energy generating forms.