Lecture 17 (10A) - Hypersensitivity Flashcards
Immune reactions in the body have by-stander effects on normal tissues
neutrophils gobble up and kill bacteria, but they also secrete toxic molecules
- free radicals
- tissue-degrading enzymes (elastase, collagenase)
- cytokines
- chemokines
- defensins
- -> cell death of healthy cell
- -> tissue damage
• toxins that kill bacteria also kill normal cells (get inflammation)
Immunological hypersensitivity
hypersensitivity to innocuous antigens causes diseases
• Gell and Coombs classification still useful
• eg coeliac disease (hypersensitive to gluten)
• calssified immune response by what cause them - 4 types
Type I hypersensitivity
immediate hypersensitivity
• allergies AKA atopy
• hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and nasal allergies
• allergies increasing in developed world
CD4 T cells can differentiate along 2 pathways
presented IL-12 by APC
–> Th1
makes IFNγ, TNFα
–> excess macrphage activation, tissue damage
presented IL-4 by mast cell --> Th2 makes IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 --> IgE, allergies (IL-4 drives differentiation of B cells to make IgE - so allergic T cells = Th2)
T cells tell B cells what type of antibody to make
- T cells make IFNγ = class switching from IgM to IgG2 or IgG3
- T cells make IL-4 = class switching from IgM to IgG2 or IgE
Class switching to IgE is driven by
• IL-4 causes looping out of DNA
• get VDJ + IgE
Serum IgE is often raised in allergies, but
- you can be allergic with normal IgE
- you can be not allergic with high IgE
• allergic patients don’t always have high levels of IgE
IgE secreted into serum binds to
surface of mast cells in tissues
• IgE molecule has FcεRI binding site, and mast cell has FcεRI receptor
• lungs, airways, skin, gut
• so it is sequestered on mast cells in tissues
• sucks IgE out of serum and puts on cells
Mast cells have lots of granules containing
pre-formed mediators
• flow cyto into mast cells
• high side scatter because lots of granules
What happens when IgE on a mast cell binds an antigen (allergen)?
- allergen in, binds and cross links IgE
- granules pop out of mast cell = immediate hypersensitivity
• Fcε signals to the cell to release granules
Mast cells release
histamines when the allergen is encountered
• also release serotonin
• allergic = take antihistamines
• very bioreactive to cells in the tissues –> mast cells with no granules left
Mast cell mediators
- make blood vessels leaky - edema
- vasodilation
- cause smooth muscle contraction
- urticaria
Symptoms of immune response
anaphylaxis = severe allergic response
- anaphylaxis
- loss of consciousness
- hives
- swelling of tongue, inability to swallow
- rapid swelling of throat tissues
- need epinephrine so muscles relax and can breathe
The sting of anaphylaxis
• anaphylaxis is the medical term for an allergic reaction
• the only treatment to an allergic reaction is the use of epinephrine and other treatments
- epinephrine can be self-injected or administered by a doctor
• often intravenous fluids, oxygen, and other treatments are necessary as well
• it is very important to call for medical assistance immediately
Interleukin-5 (IL-5)
draws eosinphils into tissues and blood
Eosinophils - stain with dye
eosin - and granues show up
• granules toxic to cells
Lung has no
exit - only 1 way in/out
Type I hypersensitivity is involved in some kinds of
asthma (allercig asthma)
• walls thinner, need steroids to relax it
Summary of an allergic Type 1
immediate hypersensitivity
- antigen (allergen) crosses mucosal lining
- onto APC
- through TCR induced to TH2 cell
- releases IL-4 –>
- makes B make IgE
- bind to mast cell
- cross links
- release of granules
Skin prick testing
inject suspected allergen into skin-wheal and flare reaction
• put an antigen in sin, have IgE and mast cells –> get reaction
–> skin swelling like happens in airways
How do you treat allergies?
type I
- avoidance
- anti-histamines, mast cell stabilizers
- omaluzimab-anti-IgE
- antigen-specific desensitization
- dose they can tolerate goes up, give small amount of antigen, try to induce tolerance
- immunosuppression mediated by regulatory/suppressor T cells
(T cells suppress IgE responses)
Type 1
antibody mediated hypersensitivity (IgE)
• type II is also antibody-mediated (IgM, IgG)
• type III is also antibody-mediated (IgG)
Type II hypersensitivity reactions
- also quick but not mediated by IgE
- mediated by Igm and IgG natural antibodies in serum
- also antibody-mediated
Type II
Type O blood has natural antibodies to
A and B
but no A and B antigens
Type II
Type O+ Rhesus negative
universal donor of red cells
have A antigens
have B antigens
Rh cells
Blood type O
antigen - no A or B
antibodies - anti-A and anti-B
Blood A blood type
antigens - A
antibodies - anti-B
Blood B blood type
antigens - B
antibodies - anti-B
Blood AB blood type
antigens - A and B antigens
antibodies - no a or B antibodies
When red blood cells with eg group A antigens on their membranes are mixed with plasma containing antibodies to group A
the antibodis cause the blood cells to clump, or agglutinate
give wrong type, get clumps of RBC - fingers fall off - because make antibodies against
Hemolytic transfusion reaction
• donor - blood type A • recipient - type O with anti-A antibody --> severe intravascular hemolysis 1. transfusion 2. agglutination and complement binding 3. hemolysis
Type II hypersensitivity
Rh+ father with RH- mother carrying her first RH+ fetus
• Rh atigens from the developing fetus can enter the mother’s blood during deilvery
• in response to the fetal Rh antigens, the mother will produce anti-Rhh antibodies
• if the woman becomes pregnant with another Rh+ fetus, her anti-Rh antibodies will cross the placenta and damage fetal blood cells
baby Rh+
mothers Rh- –> make anti-rhesus antibodies
next baby –> kill baby’s RBC (anemia)
Type III hypersensitivity
- mediated by IgG antibodies and their specific antigen which form immune complexes
- when they form in the skin after injection of the Ag-Arthus reaction
- when they form in the blood and deposit in the kidneys and joints - serum sickness
- also antibody-mediated - IgG
- immune complex in skin - artnus, blood –> kidneys - serum sickness
Type III hypersensitivity
antibodies in equilibrium with
• antibodies in equilibrium with antigen
• polyvalent antibody - multivalent antigen
• big agglutination (immune complex), antigen + antibody structure
Type III forms
immune complex
• antigenic determinant sites on antigen, antibody binds
• IgG antibody as 2 arms/binding sites
Immune complex disease
Immune complex disease
drug reactions
• allergies to penicillin and sulfonamides
infectous diseases • poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis • meningitis • hepatitis • mononucleosis • malaria • tyrpanosomiasis
• can make antibodies against antibodies
Type III hypersensitivity forms immune complex deposition by
• immune complex sticks to vessels
• neutrophils come
Phases of Type III hypersensitivity
Phase I - immune complex formation
• antigen in circulation, B cell to plasma cell to antibody, antigen-antibody complex
Phase II - immune complex deposition
• inflammatory cell makes cytokines
Phase III - complex-mediated inflammation
• complement, neutrophil attacks the complexes, neutrophil lysosomal enzymes
Type III hypersensitivity reactions
immune complex glomerulonephritis
- deposition of immune complexes
- activation of complement
- chemotactic attraction and activation of PMNs (neutrophils)
- release of proteases and oxygen radicals with tissue damage (neutorphil act)
Type IV hypersensitivity
delayed type hypersensitivity • 24-48 hours to manifest, mediated by T cells and macrophages • only not mediated by antibodies • T cell makes INF, TNF blood monocyte --> increase adhesion
Examples of DTH
Type IV
- manatoux reaction to PPD for TB
- poison ivy
- nickel sensitivity
- intradermal injection
- measure the tiameter
Delayed hypersensitivity can do
a lot of damage
Type IV
normal lung vs lung with TB
- macrophage in tissues (eg TB)
- T cells recognize, bring macrophages
- in and lung destroyed
- TB aka consumption
Type IV
macrophages wall off bacteria
Type IV
poison ivy elicits
DTH reactions
When antigen is injected into the skin, different hypersensitivities
happen at different rates skin swelling • type I high at 3 hours • type III high at 8-10 hours • type IV high between 12-24
Type I hypersensitivity - summary
anaphylactic type
• mediator IgE bound to basophils/mast cells
• mechanism - mediator release
• examples - anaphylaxis, allergic dermatitis, drug and vaccine reactions, parasite reactions
Type II hypersensitivity - summary
antibody dependent cytotoxic
• mediator - IgG/IgM directed cytotoxicity or dysyfunction
• mechanism - cytotoxicity mediated by complement or NK cell
• expamples - autoimmune hemolytic anemia, infections hemolytic anemia (anaplasmosis, babesiosis, EIA), myasthenia gravis (dysfunction)
Type III hypersensitivity - summary
- immune complex type
- mediator - IgG and IgM
- mechanism - immune complexes deposited with activation of complement and mediator release
- examples - immune complex glomerulonephritis, immune complex vasculitis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Type IV hypersensitivity - summary
- cell mediated
- mediator - CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells
- mechanism - cell mediated immunity with lymphokine mediated effects and CD8-mediated cytotoxicity
- examples - tuberculosis, contact dermatitis, transplant rejection