LECTURE Flashcards
__ of homosexual behaviour has been reported in hundreds of animals
__ homosexual behaviour, however, only reported in handful of species
thus __
homosexuality is an objective thing, though rare
what are the three forms of sexual behaviours displayed by animals
courtship/sexual solicitations
animal homosexual behaviour is frequently __
sociosexual behaviours are __
sexual in form and used to facilitate adaptive social goals
exclusive same-sex sexual orientation is __ in animals
what is an example of an animal with this orientation
exceedingly rare
domesticated sheep (ovis aries)
what are two animal examples of engaging in sociosexual, homosexual behaviour
savannah baboon
according to the choice test, __ of domestic males are male-oriented
when given a choice, they __
*not sociosexual species
court and mount other rams, not ewes (females)
exclusive male same-sex sexual orientation emerges __
in the ABSENCE of human socialization or culture
lesbian behaviour has been seen in __
Japanese Macaques
-female monkeys who engage in sexual and courtship behaviour
there is no evidence that female homosexual behaviour in jap mac functions as an adaption
thus, the species do not engage in this behaviour for what six reasons?
what point was not found by Vasey
1.attract opposite sex mates
2.form alliances
3.obtain alloparental care
5.reduce social tension
6.reconcile conflicts
according to sibling studies, men who have gay brothers are __ more likely to be gay themselves
women who have lesbian sisters are __ more likely to be lesbian themselves
5 times
3 times
according to familial clustering studies, androphilic males have more __ compared to gynephilic males
androphilic male relatives (uncles, nephews, cousins)
according to familial clustering studies, gynephilic femailes have __ more __ compared to androphilic femalers
4 times
gynephilic female relatives (sisters, aunts, nieces, cousins)
according to studies of twins raised together
concordance rates are __ for monozygotic (identical) twins than dizygotic (non-identical)
genetic influences on sexual orientation are __ for males than females
according to studies of twins raised together
__ has the strongest influence on sexual orientation, __ are moderate and __ has weakest role
non-shared environment
genetic influences
shared environment
according to studies of identical twins raised apart (born together, reared apart)
males (2 pairs) were shown to be __
females (4 pairs) were shown to be __
both concordant for homosexuality (i.e., both gay)
both discordant for sexual orientation (i.e., adopted different sexual orientation than twin or not at all)
according to molecular genetic studies, there is NO __
however __
single gay gene
number of chromosomal regions identified as being associated with male androphilia
what are two examples of regions of the chromosome associated with homosexuality
Xq28 (tip of X chromosome)
pericentromeric (~middle region of chromo 8)