Lecture 15: Protein structure and function Flashcards
Proteins are..
single, un-branched chains of a.a with numerous diverse functions
Proteins divers functions:
- Catalysis
- Energy production
- Host/pathogen interaction: antibodies, mucus
- Structural: keratin, fibroin, collagen
- Motion (cytoskeleton, muscle, flagella)
- Organisation of DNA and regulation of transcription (histones)
- Regulation (e.g. kinases)
- Storage (seeds, eggs etc)
- Toxins and venoms
- Transport: across membranes, haemoglobin.
enzymes accelerate biochemical reactions
Energy production:
(light harvesting, electron transport, rotary ATPases)
Proteins comprise chains of amino acids joined by
peptide bonds
peptic bonds formation:
Condensation reaction:
Loss of water.
peptide bond:
O || (+) -C -N- (-) | H
2 types of terminus
- Amino ‘N’ terminus
- Carboxyl ‘C’ terminus
The polypeptide protein backbone has
amino acid side chains (can be polar and non polar)
3 types of amino acid
- nonpolar
- polar
- Electrically charged
__ protein amino acids have side chains with ____ properties
polypeptide backbone is..
identical in all proteins
Side chins determine…
how the polypeptide chains of the protein interact and how the protein is folded
Four levels of structural organisation of proteins
Linear sequence of amino acids
localized organization of parts of polypeptide chain (e.g. helix or sheet) - using hydrogen bond
three‐dimensional arrangement of polypeptide chain. Non‐polar amino acids typically inside and polar side chains on outside. Stabilised by H‐bonds and disulphide bonds.
association of two or more polypeptides into multi‐subunit complex. Rubisco has 16 subunits.
Proteins are held together by
different ionic interactions;
- ionic,
- van der Waals
- hydrogen bonds
- electrostatic interactions
Atraction between +ve and -ve charged ions:
O- & N+
van der Waals
Short-range weak electrical attraction & repulsion
Hydrogen bonds:
involve a H shared between O and N atoms
alpha helix resembles a
spring with h-bonds joining loop to loop
Beta sheet resembles a
folded piece of paper (fan) H-bonds lie length ways
polypeptide chains can be linked by
covalent bonds (tertiary structure) -forms inter and intrachain disulphide bonds
intrachain disulfide bonds -
between the same chain