Lecture 15 - Measuring Evolution Flashcards
What is homology?
Similarity due to common descent.
What is convergent evolution?
The independent evolution of shared derived traits that were not present in the common ancestor (known as analogous structures or homoplasies).
- Usually due to similar environmental niches
- E.g., Australian and African Golden moles
What is meant by character reversal?
When a species loses the derived trait and reverts back to the ancestral form.
- E.g., Fleas
- Belong in a clade of winged insects (i.e., wings are the derived trait), but have lost their own wings
What are the problems associated with morphology when measuring evolution?
- Convergent evolution
- Character reversal
- Erratic rates of morphological evolution (e.g., living fossils vs artificial selection in dogs)
What is molecular homology?
Molecular homology due to common descent.
- “Conserved sites”
How is molecular homology ascertained?
Based on sequence similarity.
How do we quantify sequence similarity?
Hamming Distance (or Degree of Divergence):
The proportion of differences (n/N) for two sequences of length N that differ at n sites.
- Number of differences over number of comparisons
- This will give us a % divergence, and from that we can obtain % similarity
What do we have to do to prove similarity is due to common descent (and not due to random chance)?
Homology is simply a hypothesis!
Thus, we first have to consider the null hypothesis…
“How probable is it that we would observe the level of similarity if they were not homologous?”
What should be taken into account when trying to establish homology?
Overall length of the sequence (as well as sequence similarity).
(SEE LECTURE 19 part 1 @ 27 MINS)
What is another source of sequence similarity (that does NOT necessarily indicate homology)?
Similarity can be due to common mutational processes (e.g., repeat expansions) and other phenomena.
- These should be avoided in homology assessment!
What two things must be considered during homology assessment?
- Overall length of the sequence
- Sequence complexity (to avoid low complexity sequences containing repeats etc.)
What are analogous sequences?
Sequences that are similar but not homologous, rather due to chance and reoccurring evolutionary processes.
Why might we get dissimilar sequences that are actually homologous?
Due to the build up of evolutionary changes since their divergence.
What is mutation rate (µ)?
The rate at which mutations occur in a sequence per unit time.
What is the estimated mutation rate in the human genome (i.e., mutation rate across the entire genome)?
1 new mutation every 10^8 base pairs per generation.
Taking into account the size of the human genome, this implies…
- 30 new mutations in each gamete
- 60 new mutations per generation
What is the estimated mutation rate in the human genome (i.e., mutation rate across the entire genome)?
1 new mutation every 10^8 base pairs per generation.
Taking into account the size of the human genome, this implies…
- 30 new mutations in each gamete
- 60 new mutations per generation
What is the estimated mutation rate in the human genome (i.e., mutation rate across the entire genome)?
1 new mutation every 10^8 base pairs per generation.
Taking into account the size of the human genome, this implies…
- 30 new mutations in each gamete
- 60 new mutations per generation
What is the estimated mutation rate in the human genome (i.e., mutation rate across the entire genome)?
1 new mutation every 10^8 base pairs per generation.
Taking into account the size of the human genome, this implies…
- 30 new mutations in each gamete
- 60 new mutations per generation
What is the estimated mutation rate in the human genome (i.e., mutation rate across the entire genome)?
1 new mutation every 10^8 base pairs per generation.
Taking into account the size of the human genome, this implies…
- 30 new mutations in each gamete
- 60 new mutations per generation
What are the two evolutionary processes that cause the change in frequency of the mutation in a population over time?
- Random genetic drift
- Selection
If an allele has a negative impact on fitness, what selection will occur?
Negative selection (purifying selection).
If an allele has a positive impact on fitness, what selection will occur?
Positive selection (adaptive evolution).
What does the strength of selection depend on?
- The size of the fitness effect
- The size of the population (e.g., harder for selection to act in smaller populations, where genetic drift is stronger).
What is meant by balancing selection?
May act to maintain multiple alleles in the population over a longer period of time than we would expect through drift.
What is a substitution event?
Where a new allele arises by mutation and then goes on to reach fixation.
What is responsible for all fixed differences in sequences between species?
Substitution events.
- Molecular evolution can be described as a series of substitutions
What can the rate of molecular evolution often be described as?
The rate of substitution.
What does a substitution event concern?
Substitutions of genes or alleles (NOT nucleotide substitutions).
What is the Neo-Darwinian model (Panselectionism)?
In this model…
- Selection is the strongest force of evolution
- Genetic drift (randomness) is mostly irrelevant
This was all based on assumptions (in accordance to what was seen at the morphological level, and not considering the molecular level).
What did Hubby and Lewontin observe (1966)?
Uncovered surprising amounts of genetic variation.
- Through studying protein variation in Drosophila
Posed the question: Could all this genetic variation really be due to selection alone?
What did Zuckerkandl & Pauling do (1962)?
Measured the “molecular distance” (i.e., number of amino acid differences) between pairs of haemoglobin molecules from different species.
Found that the number of AA differences between species pairs correlated extremely well with their estimated divergence times from the fossil record.
Thus proposed the idea of the Molecular Clock - the older the evolutionary split, the more AA differences you observe (a clock-like rate).
What did Motoo Kimura propose (1968)?
The Neutral Theory of Evolution.
- Most observed genetic variation is selectively neutral
- Thus, their frequency is driven by drift alone
- Most substitution events occur by drift, and not selection
- Negative selection also plays an important (but silent) role here, removing deleterious mutations and working to keep the status quo (i.e., prevent substitution)
How does neutral theory explain the abundance of polymorphism?
When we observe polymorphisms, we are catching them in the act of genetic drift (i.e., catching a snapshot of their random journal to fixation or extinction).
What is the chance that a NEUTRAL ALLELE will “get lucky” and reach fixation?
The probability of fixation of a neutral allele is simply equal to its current frequency in the population.
- E.g., if the allele is at 10% frequency, it has a 1 in 10 (10%) chance of becoming fixed
What is the probability of a new neutral mutation reaching fixation/extinction?
Reaching fixation = 1/2N
Reaching extinction = 1 - 1/2N
So new mutations are much more likely to go extinct than to ever reach fixation.
What is the rate of substitution (k)?
The number of new mutations reaching fixation per unit time. Also known as the rate of evolution.
What doe the rate of substitution (k) depend on?
Depends on…
1. Rate of mutation (µ)
2. The probability of the mutation reaching fixation (1/2N for neutral sites)
What do we observe when studying substitution events at neutral sites?
Substitution events at neutral sites occur at a regular, predictable rate.
- This idea underlies the Molecular Clock
- 1/k = time between consecutive fixation events
What is the rate of neutral evolution?
The number of new mutations reaching fixation per unit time. Also known as the rate of neutral substitution.
What is the rate of neutral substitution/evolution equal to?
It is simply equal to the rate of mutation (µ).
- This explains the ticking of our molecular clock
(SEE LECTURE 16 part 2 @ 23 mins)
How does the rate of neutral substitution being equal to the rate of mutation explain the ticking of our molecular clock?
Due to the vast majority of observed substitutions being neutral (or nearly neutral), they will become fixed at the same clock-like rate at which mutations occur!