Lecture 15 - Devloped And Developing Markets Flashcards
International organisations development tax based on countries level of development by
The International Monetary Fund
United Nations development programme
The world bank
The world trade organisation
The IMFs Development taxonomy
Current system
- advanced countries: relatively high incomes levels, well developed financial markets and high degrees of financial intermediation and diversified economic structures with rapidly growing service sectors
- emerging market and developing countries are countries that are not advanced
UNDP’s Development Taxonomy
Country classification system is built around the human development index together with the human development in 1990
The HDI is a composite index of three indices: measuring countries achievements in longevity, education and income
Developed countries are countries in the top quartile in the HDI distribution
Developing countries are those in the bottom three quartiles
Drawbacks: it did not provide an explanation for the shift from absolute to thresholds
The UNDP uses equal country weighs to construct the HDI distribution in this distribution, 15% of the world’s population lives in designated developed countries.
The WTO’s development taxonomy
164 members since July 2016
Members countries have to announce themselves as developed or developing
Developed: countries of the EU and most members of the OECD
Developing: other countries and the public of Korea, Mexico and Turkey
Developing country status in the WTO brings certain rights
The status of developing country does not guarantee automatic access to developed countries trade presence schemes
WTO recognises the sub-group of Least Developed countries designated as such by UN
World economic outlook
Global growth is projected to reach 3.9% in 2018 and 2019
Advanced economy growth is expected to remain above trend at 2.4% in 2018 as economy growth projected
Emerging and developing Asia: growing at 6.5% in 2018-19
Central banks in key emerging economies including India and turkey have raises policy rates responding to inflation and pressures
As of early July 2018, the US dollar has strengthened by over 5% in real effective terms since February, while the euro, Japanese yen, and British pound sterling are broadly unchanged
In contract, some emerging market currencies have depreciated sharply
BBVA: Emerging and Growth Leading Economies
EAGLES are defined as economies whose contribution to world economic growth over the next decade or so is expected to exceed the average of the leading industrialised nations, namely the G6
EAGLES countries - China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, turkey and Mexico
- it is stated to outperform the G6 average threshold of contributing USD490bn to global growth over the next decade
- forecasted to contribute 51% of the world economic growth between 2013 and 2023 compared to 19% for the slow growing G7 countries
China and India play in another league, compared to all other countries as they expected to contribute 30% and 11% to global growth between 2013-2023
Turkey will contribute more than Germany and Mexico will add more to global growth than the UK
Eagles and nest countries
A watch list of countries with expected incremental GDP in the next ten years to be lower than the G2 average buy higher than the smallest contributor
Forecasted to contribute around 14% of GDP growth over the following decade and may be part of the EAGLES in the future
Financial systems
Different types of financial systems exist in different parts of the world.
The same basic structures are in place in them all, but the relative importance of different types of intuition varies
A key distinction is between bank based systems and market based systems
If anything, market based systems are becoming more common
Bank based systems
Banks provide the main funding to companies, through equity ownership as well as lending
Each company has a close, long term relationship with a particular bank
Bank is typically represented on the company’s board
If a company is failing and requires restructuring, the bank will be instrumental in making this happen. Hostile takeovers are relatively rare
Market based systems
Companies get their financing from public bond and equity markets
Banks facilitate financing rather than providing the finance themselves
Companies are run in shareholders interests, with corporate governance designed to ensure this
There is a market for corporate control.
The UK AND US are examples
Ways of categorising financial structure
Bank based vs market based
Conventional wisdom
Euro area and Japan would be bank based, while the UK and the USA would be market based.
Conventional wisdom is rather simplistic
Euro area
Small stock market
Lots of bank lending/relatively
Large public bond market
Relative large public equity market
Quite a lot of bank lending
Small bond markets
Little bank lending
Large public equity and debt markets
Government debt has increased significantly
Large public equity and debt markets
Financial structure has not changed despite the Asian crisis
London as a Financial centre
History as major trading centre - 200 banks Time zone - between US and Asia Euromarkets Relative political stability Network effects - English language -skilled labour pool -geographic proximity