Lecture 15-17 - Dynamic Programming Flashcards
Name three key differences between Greedy and Dynamic Programming paradigms
o Build up a solution incrementally.
o Iteratively decompose and reduce the size of the problem.
o Top-down approach.
Dynamic programming:
o Solve all possible sub-problems.
o Assemble them to build up solutions to larger problems.
o Bottom-up approach.
Define the optimal sub-structure mathematically
Let Sij = subset of activities in S that start after ai finishes and finish before aj starts. Sij = {ak ∈ S :∀i, j fi ≤ sk < fk ≤ sj} • Aij = optimal solution to Sij • Aij = Aik U { ak } U Akj
How many sub-problems, and choices to consider, are there in the activity selection problem before and after Greedy choice?
Before theorem
Pick the best m such that Aij = Aim U { am } U Amj
Subproblems: 2
Choices: j-i-1
After theorem:
Choose am∈Sij with the earliest finish time (greedy choice)
Sub-problems: 1
Choices to consider: 1
Define the Greedy choice theorem:
Let Sij ≠ ∅, and let am be the activity in Sij with the
earliest finish time: fm = min{ fk : ak ∈Sij}. Then:
1. am is used in some maximum-size subset of
mutually compatible activities of Sij.
2. Sim = ∅, so that choosing am leaves Smj as the only
nonempty subproblem.
What is the input and output in weighted interval scheduling?
Is the greedy choice always effective in this problem?
Input: Set S of n activities, a1, a2, …, an.
– si = start time of activity i.
– fi = finish time of activity i.
– wi = weight of activity i
• Output: find maximum weight subset of mutually compatible activities.
Greedy choice isn’t always effective.
Define Binary choice mathematically in terms of Opt(j) and p(j).
OPT(j) = value of the optimal solution to the problem
p(j) = largest index i < j such that activity/job i is
compatible with activity/job j.
Opt(j) =
0 if j = 0
max {wj + OPT(p(j)), OPT(j-1)} otherwise
Define memoization.
Memoization: Cache results of each subproblem; lookup as needed.
for j = 1 to n
M[j] ← empty.
M[0] ← 0.
M-Compute-Opt(j) if M[j] is empty M[j] ← max(v[j]+M-Compute-Opt(p[j]), M-Compute-Opt(j–1)). return M[j].
Prove that the memoized version of Binary choice takes O(nlogn) time.
Sort by finish time: O(nlogn) Computing p(): O(nlogn) via sorting by start time
M-Compute-opt(j): O(n)
each invocation takes O(1) time and either:
1. returns existing M[j]
2. fills in one new entry M[j] and makes two recursive calls (at most 2n recursive calls)
Remark: O(n) if jobs are presorted by start and finish times.
What’s the main idea of dynamic programming (in words)? How is this used in the Bottom-up algorithm?
Solve the sub-problems in an order that makes sure when you need an answer, it’s already been computed.
When we compute M[j], we only need values M[k] for k < j
BOTTOM-UP (n;s1,…,sn;f1,…,fn;v1,…,vn)
Sort jobs by finish time so that f1≤f2≤…≤fn.
Compute p(1), p(2), …, p(n).
for j = 1 TO n
M[j] ← max { vj + M[p(j)], M[j–1] }
How many recursive calls are there in the Find-Solution algorithm?
of recursive calls ≤ n ⇒ O(n).
Do you remember how the reconstruction works (table example Lec 15)
Define the shortest path u to v in terms of weight w().
w (p) = min {w(p) : u -> v} if path exists
inf otherwise
What type of queues does Dijkstra’s algorithm use?
Are negative-weight edges allowed?
What type of keys does each node hold?
Is it dp or greedy choice?
Why is re-insertion in queue not a good idea to deal with negative weight edges? Why is adding a constant also not a good idea? give an example.
priority queue.
No negative weighted edges.
Keys are shortest-path weights (d[v])
Reinsertion -> exponential running time
Constant -> doesn’t always work, see lect 16
How is the Bellman-Ford algorithm different than Djikstra’s?
it allows negative-weight edges.
How does Bellman-Ford detect negative weight cycles?
If Bellman-Ford has not converged after V(G) - 1
iterations, then there cannot be a shortest path tree,
so there must be a negative weight cycle.
Returns TRUE if no negative-weight cycles
reachable from s, FALSE otherwise.
What is the time complexity of Bellman-Ford? is it larger than djisktra’s?
Yes, because we relax much more often than in djikstra’s.