lecture 15,16- Flashcards
Why do we need circulatory system ?
animal cells need to be able to obtain nutrients ,exchange respiratory gases and remove waste products
1. diffusion
cells direct contacy to environment
flattened body =increase SA
larger animals no
strategy 2
cant rely on diffusion alone
What is the circulatory systemss strategy ?
to transport hormones, nutrients,
respiratory gases, blood cells, waste products (etc) around the body:
o Such systems have hearts which move ECF throughout the body.
o ECF ( maintains and supports the
metabolic needs of all body cells, e.g. O2, nutrients, etc
What can circulatory systems be ?
open:fluid inside the circulatory system is the same as the ECF (outside) → called hemolymph; no defined blood.
o Fluid leaves circulatory system vessels, percolates between cells/tissues, then flows back into heart or vessels
eg of invertebrates with open circulatory systems ?
anthropods-spiders,crustaceans & most molluscs-clams
well developed central central heart ;moves hemolymph through discrete vessels leading to diff regions
A-hemplymph returns to heart via ostia
ostia have valves to allow hemolymph entry into relaxed heart ->1 way flow when heart contracts
Molluscs and their open circualtory system ?
O2 carried by haemocyanin
-contains copper instead of iron;so oxygenated blood is blue instead of red like in vertebrates
What do insects have ?
open system
What invertebrates hasve closed circulatory system ?
annelid worm
from ventral vessel progressively smaller vessels transport blood to tissues—>allow gas,nutrient delivery and waste removal
The advantages of a closed circulatory system ?
- fluid can flow more rapidly through vessels than intracellular spaces–>enables rapid transport of gases ,nutrients & waste
- can control resistance of specific vessels allowing selective direction of blood flow to specific tissues/organs
- cells,large molecules of interest can be retained
In fish how does vertebrate circulation occur ?
fish heart = 4 chambers
blood returns from body collects in sinus venosus –>atrium–>ventricle–>bulbous arteriosus
arterial blood-leaves last chambers-flows through gills–>respiratory gases exchanged ->collects in dorsal aorta then blood is distributed into smaller arteries & arterioles
How does circulation in fish work ?
single circuit
unidirectional blood flow enabled by 1 way valve between heart chambers
1. heart pumps blood anteriorly into ventral aorta which gives off afferent branchial vessels to gill arches
2. blood perfuses the gill
3. blood is collected into efferent brachial vessels which empty into dorsal aorta
4. blood distributed to systemic tissues
5. great veins return deoxyblood from tissues to heart
Whagt are lung fish ?
these fish can breather
air-breathing organs are derived from mouth membranes ,gut or swim bladders
adaptation ;outpocketing of the gut serves as a lung ABO
Heart partially sperates its blood flow into pulmonary & systematic circuits
Teolast vs lung fishes circuit ?
lungfish-modified central circulation :blood from lungs enters left side –>deoxy & oxy kept relatively seperate pumped to lungs & systemic circuits
Amphibians and their vertebrate ciculation ?
partial seperation of pumonary and systematic circuits;3 chambered heart
single ventricle pumps blood to lungs and rest of body but note that 2 atria recieve blood returning to the heart
Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from lungs; right atrium receives
deoxygenated from body.
* Blood mixing in ventricle is limited → ventricle directs deoxy. blood flow to the pulmonary circuit; oxy. heads to aorta (primarily).
Vertebrate circulation on reptiles ?
can control blood flow to seperate pulmonary circuit;3 chambered heart
ventricle is incompletely divided by a
partial septum; left & right
atria receive oxygenated (from lungs)
and deoxygenated blood, resp. →
blood flows to L and R ventricle.
if air-breathing, lung circuit has lower
vascular resistance than systemic →
blood flows to lungs (from R ventricle
into pulmonary artery). Blood flow to
lungs is reduced when not breathing
→ lung vessels constrict → lung
circuit resistance increases → blood
flows mostly into right aorta instead.
What do cephalopods & molluscs have ?
closed circulatory systems :lblood enters systemic heart via gills into aortae to systemic tissues as blood returns it splits into 2 paths directed to the gills via 2 weaker auxillary brachial hearts