Lecture 14: Evolution I - Compatability Mode Flashcards
scientific theory
an attempt to explain the facts of nature
based on replicated facts, whereas interpretation of the facts is based on credible theories
theory that the earth is the center of the solar system and that the sun and planets revolve around the earth
theory that the sun is the center of the solar system and that earth and other planets revolve around the sun
* derived from Nicolaus Copernicus
geocentric theory vs. heliocentric theory
the heliocentric theory could explain better the movements of celestial bodies than could the geocentric theory, but the Catholic Church did not like this at first
* Nicolaus Copernicus realized that the math made more sense if the sun was at the center
* Johannes Kepler realized that Copernicus was right, but that instead of perfect circles, the planets moved in ellipses
* Galileo realized that the heliocentric model was more accurate that geocentrism
* Bruno got murdered by Catholic Church for saying that Copernicus was right, that stars in the heavens may be other suns with planets around them, and he denied the virgin birth of Christ
germ theory vs. miasma theory
the germ theory could better explain the origin of contagious diseases than could the miasma theory, which was the view that bacteria comes from bad air
- germ theory: specific diseases are caused by specific microorganisms
- miasma theory: diseases are caused by airborne vapors
theory of evolution vs. special creation
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution that the strongest species survives and reproduces better explains the origin of species than the theory of special creation, which was the biblical view that God created all life on earth
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
11/24/1859: biology came of age, when Charles Darwin published this assemblage of facts about the natural world
* Johann Gutenberg (mass media > movable type for printing)
* Isaac Newton (gravity)
* Martin Luther (Protestant Reformation)
* Charles Darwin (Naturalist)
* William Shakespeare (Renaissance playwright)
* Christopher Columbus (explorer)
* Karl Marx (19th century political writer)
* Albert Einstein (physicist)
* Nicolaus Copernicus (astronomy)
* Galileo Galilei (astronomy)
The Origin of Species
written by Charles Darwin based on his factual observations that (1) life shows rich diversity, (2) there are similarities in life that allow the classification of organisms into group nested within broader groups, (3) organisms display many striking ways in which they are suited for their environments
* proposed that biological organisms evolved from preexisting organisms rather than from special creation
* hypothesized that present-day species are the descendants of ancient ancestors that they still resemble in some ways
* change occurs as a result of “descent with modification,” with natural selection as the driving mechanism
well-supported by evidence
* used hundreds of pages in his book to describe the evidence supporting his hypothesis
* made testable predictions
* reported the results of numerous experiments that he and others had performed
natural selection
a process in which organisms with certain inherited characteristics are more likely to survive and reproduce than are individuals with other characteristics
natural selection leads to adaption, a population’s increase in the frequency of traits suited to a particular environment
* e.g. genes for energy storage (fat storage) enhanced survival in times of famine, but the same genes now put us at risk for comorbidities like obesity in times of plenty
- it is the environment that selects for or against species survival based on gene-environmental interactions
- natural selection leads to evolution, seen either as
- a change in the genetic composition of a population over time
- on a grander scale, the entire biological history, from the earliest microbes to the enormous diversity of organisms that live in on earth today
the idea of fixed species
- the Greek philosopher Aristotle held the belief that species are fixed and do not evolve, but he also accepted the geocentric theory and intelligent design (creationism), as did St. Thomas Aquinas, who tried to prove the existence of God
- the Judeo-Christian culture fortified these ideas with a literal interpretation of the biblical book of Genesis and the suggestion that Earth may only be 6000 years old
creationism or “intelligent design” originates with the philosophy of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas
- Aristotle accepted Plato’s view of God and added that whatever has a use must be the product of an intelligent creator, thus all things in nature that have a function must have been created by God
- St. Thomas Aquinas held similar views
are evolution and religion incompatible?
Darwin’s concepts of evolution are not incompatible with religious faith, but are incompatible with creationist views of evolution
Jean Baptite Lamarck
in the early 1800s, this French naturalist suggested that life evolves, and explained this evolution as the refinement of traits that equip organisms to perform successfully in their environment
* Lamarck suggested a mechanism that could account for aspects of evolution, proposing that by using or not using its body parts, an individual may develop certain traits that it passes on to its offspring, thus acquired traits are inherited
* set the stage for Darwin by proposing that species evolve as a result of interactions between organisms and their environment
* Lamarckian ideas are now making a comeback in light of epigenetic mechanisms
Scopes Monkey Trial
a TN law in 1925 politicized Darwin’s theory, making it a misdemeanor to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible
heritable changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence
* AI explanation: the study of how environmental factors and behaviors can impact how genes work, without changing the DNA sequence