Lecture 14 - DNA Replication and DNA Damage Flashcards
DNA is semi conservative - what is this?
Seperation of duplex DNA strands and the formation of a new strand by DNA polymerase, using the old strand as a template
What is elongation performed by?
DNA polymerase 3
what are the 3 steps of replication?
In e.coli what is the initiation site called?
Does e.coli replicate bidirectionally?
In elongation what is the gamma complex?
unloads polymerase onto DNA template via clamp
In elongation what does the beta subunit do?
sliding clamp
what does the tal subunit do in elongation?
makes a dimeric polymerase
Is helicase on the replication fork?
What does the “thumb” of the polymerase do?
Puts the DNA closer to the area where nucleotides can be added.
What does poymerase 3 reguire to begin synthesis?
A primer
What is the polarity of DNA polymerase?
5 - 3
what is the primer made from?
What does the sliding clamp do?
keeps it from falling of the DNA
How does elongation of the replication fork take place?
the polymerase binds and extends the leading strand 5-3’
How does the lagging strand get synthesised?
The lagging strand is synthesised 3 -5 prime but as its complementary to the smoothly synthesing leading strand then you get a non-continous product.
What are the non continous product in the leading strand called?
these are called ozaki strands
What happens to make the lagging strand continous?
A loop so the two polymerases can connect and move in the same direction.
How do you finish replication?
RNA primers must be removed to complete replication making a gap in the lagging strand
How is the gap in the lagging strand fixed?
The repair polymerase Dpol I, removes the RNA primer using its 5– 3 exonuclease action and simultaneously builds the new DNAstrand behind
A nick is left over after the dpol 1. How is this sealed?
DNA ligase
Initiation of E.coli - the oriC site contains a 9 mer region which is recognised by what?
DNAA- ATP initiator proteins