Lecture 14 - 15 Flashcards
PCR-based methods of microbial community analysis
Major techniques include:
1) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or targeted genes (16S rRNA or metabolic marker genes)
2) DNA fragment analysis by gel electrophoresis (e.g. DGGE or T-RFLP)
3) DNA sequencing and analysis
Importance of 16S rRNA gene
-Phylogenetically informative and the techniques for their analysis are well developed.
Other reasons:
1) 16S rRNA genes are universally distributed among all cellular organisms
2) They contain regions of high sequence conservation, hence PCR primers can be designed that will amplify the gene from “all organisms”
PCR methods useful indicators for:
1) The presence of a microorganism
2) The metabolic potential, if an unknown sequence can be associated to a cultured bacteria of known physiology
PCR methods limitations
- PCR amplification can be biased towards specific microorganisms
- not all organisms with identical 16S rRNA gene sequences possess similar metabolic activities
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)
-PCR-based community fin
An approach that separates DNA fragments based on their base sequences (e.g. GC content)
Cultivation-independent analysis of the collective genomes of microbial assemblages obtained directly from the environment.
Steps of the phylogenetic anchor approach:
1) Isolate DNA from an environmental sample
2) Clone large fragments of DNA (40 kb) into a suitable vector
3) Transform vector into a host bacterium (e.g. E. coli)
4) Screen the transformants for phylogenetic markers (e.g. 16S rRNA or recA) by PCR or hybridization
5) Completely sequence the DNA fragment linked to the phylogenetic marker
Light driven proton pump that halophilic archaea use to generate energy through ATP synthesis
Whole genome shotgun (WGS)
1) Isolate DNA from an environmental sample
2) Randomly sequences the DNA
3) Assemble the short clones into overlapping DNA contigs
4) Analyze the function of the genes to understand metabolic properties of the community
Sargasso Sea
- Complex ecosystem
- Intriguing observations:
1) Genes for the use of phophonates in this extremely phosphate limited system
2) Identification of a high diversity of rhodopsin genes, that could be linked to taxa that were previously not known to have light-harvesting functions
Microbial activity
What microbes are actually doing in their environment
Technique to measure microbial activities can:
- Can provide bulk estimates of the physiological reactions occurring in the entire microbial community
- Can assess the metabolic or physiological activities of specific, targeted populations
Examples of techniques to measure microbial activities
1) Fluorescent in situ hybridization-microautoradiography (FISH-MAR)
2) Stable Isotope probing (SIP)
3) Halogen in situ hybridization- secondary ion mass spectrometry (HISH-SIMS)
Radioactive isotopes
Unstable isotopes that breakdown due to radioactive decay. Useful for: measuring turnover rates of a compound of interest or tracking an element as it is metabolized by a community.
FISH - Microautoradiography (MAR)
Cells from a community are exposed to a radioisotope, then affixed to a microscope slide, dipped in a photographic emulsion, and exposed by precipitation of silver grains on film.
Stable isotopes
Not radioactive, but are metabolized differently by microorganisms and can be used to study microbial processes in nature.
- Can yield information on microbial activities:
1) Isotopic fractionation
2) Stable isotope probing
Stable Isotope fractionation
- Organisms exhibit this because enzymes typically favour the lighter isotope.
- Since it’s typically the result of biological activity, can be used to measure whether or not a particular transformation was catalyzed by a microorganism.
Stable isotope probing (SIP)
Can be used to experimentally identify the active fraction of the community utilizing the supplied labeled substrate.
-Limitation: The substrate must be incorporated into biomass, and DNA specifically, for the metabolic activity to be detected.
Dynamic complex of organismal (microbial, plant, animal) communities and their abiotic surroundings, all of which interact as a functional unit.
Part of the ecosystem best suited to one or a few populations. Hence, an ecosystem can be comprised of many different habitats.
Species richness
Total number of different species present.