Lecture 13-Hardware Security Flashcards
Recall: Onion routing vs Tor
Onion routing allows for multiple nodes, Tor only allows for 3 intermediary nodes
Recall: What is the basic process of a Tor circuit?
Keep extending the circuit (request node a to connect me to node c and then request node c to pass along the connection)
Zerocoin summary
Alice generates serial number s, random r which will reveals serial number S and commits a coin C. Alice spends the zerocoin and the equal amount of bitcoin gets added to a pool. To redeem zerocoin, make it clear that the coin C belongs to the zerocoin set and that I know how to reveal the serial number since I have r and post that. Miners verify this proof and then the bitcoin gets transferred from the zerocoin escrow pool
How is zerocoin anonymous?
It relies on a zkp the coin is not linked to a specific coin in the set of zerocoins. It is not linked to the serial number.
Can you double spend with zerocoin?
No because you can’t double spend without reusing the serial number which would be detected by the verifiers.
What is a side channel attack?
It is a non-invasive, passive attack where the attacker looks for changes in sound, heat, power, etc, and tries to see if it leaks any information
What would need to happen for a timing attack to be possible?
Timing variations would need to exist on the basis of the value of a secret key, There needs to be a way to measure that variation
What is the problem with repeated squaring algorithm?
It leaks information if you do SPA (simple power analysis). Uses more power for multiplication which is only done when secret key is 1.
Countermeasures to SPA
generate random noise, add delays independent of key, shield the side channel leakage
What is a hardware trojan?
An addition or modification to a circuit with malicious intent (adding another circuit to bypass encryption for example)
How can a design be manipulated to include hw trojan?
So take F(x) = x^2 to authenticate a user only for users 0-9. Bob can create a circuit where in addition to 0-9. 10 and 11 get authenticated as well (malicious). Ideally, those should get invalidated.
How to detect hardware trojan?
Do the same thing attackers do. Side channel analysis. Pros is that it could reveal a hardware trojan but cons is that it could have a high false alarm rate if the hardware has errors and analyzers think it is a hw trojan
physical unclonable function: Hardware analog is a one-way function and each puf is unique and you cannot predict the response due to various random delays and changes
What is a vulnerability of PUF?
Prone to error. So if you want to reverse and get back your secret key, it will require some extra processing
Silicon puf
Create n-bit response by sending it challenges that excites two paths and detect which path was faster (0 or 1)
Strong PUF
-used for authentication, has many challenge-response pairs
Weak PUF
-only a small number of challenge-response pairs, used to do things like digitize a fingerprint
What is a Trusted Platform Module?
A chip integrated into a platform to keep information extra secure
Key components of TMP architecture?
You can opt-in or out, non-volatile memory is used to store long term keys and data authorization, PCR (platform configuration registers) is used to store integrity metrics of code
TMP function (integrity measurements)
-used to report the integrity of firmware, OS, loaders
TPM function (remote attestation)
TPM creates and signs a hash summary of hardware configuration for requester as verification that it has not changed
TPM function (Protected storage)
Seal the data storage and is only accessible (decryptable) if it is in the same state it was when encrypted
TPM key hierarchy overview
Each key is protected either in TPM or encrypted by a key protected by TMP. Each key has flag (non-migratable or migratable). The leaves are protected secrets/data and the intermediate nodes are the storage and identity keys