Lecture 12: Organogenesis -Vertebrate and invertebrate limb development Flashcards
- already learned about laying down the body plan and cell differentiation
- touch on development of specific organs
- cellular mechansims are essentially similar to those encountered in the early stages of development and are merely employed in different spatial and temporal patterns
How many signalling pathways are there?
5 key developmental signalling pathways: Hedgehog pathway Notch pathway Wnt pathway TGFB pathway FGF pathway
- All 5 are essential during embryonic development
- All 5 are highly conserved from flies to humans.
- Aberrant activation is observed in a wide variety of cancers.
The vertebrate limb
The limb is a great organ for studying cell interactions among a large number of cells and for studying intercellular signalling
The vertebrate limb is a classic dev. biology model system that has been studied at the tissue & molecular level for decades.
Which animal models? Mice - since they are amenable to transgenic manipulation but the basic principles of limb development have been mainly investigated using the chick.
The chick is very accessible for microsurgical manipulation as you can make a window in the eggshell, manipulate the developing limb bud and then reseal the shell and allow development to continue and monitor this process as it happens.
What is essential for normal development of limbs to occur?
Temporal and spatial intercellular signalling is essential
for normal development to occur:
Timing and positioning of limbs
The chick limb
-Limb development is initially visible 3 days after the egg has been laid and is fully formed by 10 days (7)
What are the three orthogonal axes?
Proximodistal : from the base to the tip of the limb
Anteroposterior: parallel to the main body axis
(in the human hand it runs from the thumb –anterior –
to the little finger – posterior)
Dorsoventral: in the human hand it runs from the back of
the hand to the palm.
What is the limb bud comprised of?
The limb bud is comprised of :
- a core of loose mesenchymal cells surrounded by an (sleeve) ectodermal epithelium.
- The mesenchymal cells give rise to the bones of the limb.
- The mesodermal cells that give rise to the muscles derive from the somites
- At the tip there is a thickening in the ectoderm called the apical ectodermal ridge
- Beneath are rapidly dividing undifferentiated mesenchymal cells: the progress zone
- Only when cells leave this region they start to differentiate.
- As the bud grows out cells start to differentiate and cartilagenous structures appear.
- The proximal part of the limb – the part nearest the body is the first to differentiate
- Differentiation proceeds distally as the limb bud grows out. (9, 10)
Limb development time and space
Cartilage appears in a proximo to distal direction :
The humerus, radius, ulna, and then the digits
The chick limb bud at 3days is 1mm by 1mm but by 10 days has grown 10 fold in length but is still small compared to the size when the chick hatches
The AER disappears when the main elements of the limb are in place
During these later stages cartilage is replaced by bone and nerves only enter the bone at 4.5 days
how does the limb bud develop at the appropriate position on the body?
- Limb buds develop at very precise locations along the AP axis from LPM.
- Transplantation experiments have shown specific regions of LPM are determined to form limb buds long before limb buds are visible .
- Hox genes regulate expression of genes required for limb development.
- FGF signalling is key to this
- a bead of FGF placed in the lateral plate mesenchyme between the fore and hind limb will initiate ectopic limb development. FGF10 knockouts develop no limbs (FGF crucial for where bud of limb dev occurs (12)
- Strikingly if the bead is placed in the anterior LPM a wing develops but in the posterior LPM a leg develops.
- This is due to TBX5 expression in the anterior LPM and TBX4 and PITX in the posterior LPM which are necessary for limb induction by FGF
Limb bud induction depends on the signals being present (Hox) and the cells being competent to respond appropriately (FGF and TBX 4,5, PITX) (13)
Once position is specified how do limb buds start to grow?
-Classical grafting experiments showed the importance of the AER for limb outgrowth.
-AER ablation leads to limb ablation
-The earlier the ablation the more severe the truncation
-Loss of AER leads to reduced proliferation and increased cell death
-FGF is the key signal here and an FGF bead can substitute for the AER
-Multiple FGFs are expressed in the AER: only a triple knockout causes complete truncation
(14, 15)
How are skeletal elements laid down correctly along the proximodistal axis?
How position along the proximodistal axis (shoulder to tip of digits) is specified is a matter of debate – two models prevail:
The Timing Model and the Two signal Model
The Timing Model
- Proximodistal patterning is governed by the length of time spent in the progress zone.
- The first cells to leave the zone develop into humerus(proximal) ; the last cells into digits (distal).
- FGF maintains the progress zone (once leave progress zone start to differentiate, longer stay in progress zone more distal structures can form)
- Cells “count” the time in the progress zone e.g. by number of cell divisions
-This specifies their positional identity along the Proximodistal axis progressively
The two signal model
- Cells in the limb bud acquire positional identity from the presence of two opposing gradients - Retinoic acid from the proximal region specifying proximal structures (green) and FGF from the distal region specifying distal structures (red)
- As the bud grows, cells out of range of either signal acquire an intermediate positional value
(orange) . This model holds that the proximodistal axis is specified from an early age. (18)
How is the anteroposterior axis of the limb patterned?
-Patterning along this axis specifies the digits and gives them their ID.
-The ZPA (zone polarizing activity, very potent region) is the organising centre that patterns this axis.
-A ZPA graft to the anterior region of a host limb leads to a mirror image pattern – instead of the normal pattern 2,3,4 the pattern 4,3,2,2,3,4 develops
-graft from mouse ZPA to chick limb induces additional chick digits
-ZPA from a wing bud to the anterior region of a leg bud will induce ectopic toes
-this the signal is conserved but the interpretation depends on the responding cells
-the additional digits come from the host: The ZPA changes the fate of the host cells
What is the signal released for the ZPA?
-The morphogen Shh patterns the AP axis
-Shh is expressed by the ZPA
-Beads soaked in different concentrations of SHH induces different digits:
-Highest Shh induces digit 4.
->digit 1: SHH independent, 2: low SHH, 3:brief SHH expression, high SHH conc, 4: moderate SHH expression, 5: extended SHH expression