Lecture 12 - metabolism, energetics, catabolic pathways Flashcards
Breakdown of complex organic molecules
Biosynthetic reactions to build cell mass
How does catabolism support anabolism?
- supply energy to drive anabolic processes
- provide precursor molecules for biosynthesis
Organic compounds are electron donors
Types of organtrophy
- fermentation
- organic respiration
Inorganic compounds donate electrons
Types of litotrophy
- lithotrophy/chemoautotrophy
- methanogenesis
Is organotrophy aerobic or anaerobic?
- fermentation is anaerobic
- respiration can be aerobic or anaerobic
Types of energy storage molecules
- NAD+ (carries twice the energy of ATP)
How are ATP and NAD used as energy sources?
- ATP –> ADP via removal of phosphate group releases energy
- NADH –> NAD+ (oxidation) releases lots of energy
Partial breakdown of organic compounds without net e- transfer to an inorganic terminal electron acceptor
Complete breakdown of organic molecules with electron transfer to a terminal electron acceptor such as O2
Examples of things that bacteria can break down that we can’t
Fats, cellulose, acidic sugars, lignin, man-made toxic chemicals
Why does NAD+ need to be regenerated?
Used as an electron and proton acceptor for later transfer
How is NAD+ regenerated?
Reduction of pyruvate or other compounds to form partially oxidized products
How is ATP generated in most fermentation pathways?
Substrate-level phosphorylation; less efficient energy production