Lecture 12- Human life histories 4: Adaptive sex ratio adjustment in humans Flashcards
What is the outline of the lecture?
What do you have to think of when thinking about sex allocation?
- Two levels of analysis
- Population: expect 50:50
- Individual: possible advantages to sex bias
- producing rarer sex is beneficial for the mother, it increases the sex ratio but eventually this leads to approaching 50:50 either way
- at population level expect 50:50 but expect variation at individual level
What are the population sex ratios at birth?
- ## the sex ratio will so adjust itself, under the influence of natural selection, such that the total parental expenditure incurred in respect of children of each sex, shall be equal (Fisher 1930)
What is the sex ratio like in India?
-sons more valuable than daughters in society
-becomes a problem
-A declining sex ratio in some states are changing the rules of engagement (so daughters suddenly much more valuable)!
-in some state now have a shortage of females, less than 841 females for 1000 males
What were the sex-ratios in pre-industrial humans?
What was the case in Croatia post-war?
-Wars claim more men than women, biasing OSR towards females
-Croatia: 1991-1995 war
What is the case with latitude and sex ratio bias?
-Humans at tropical latitudes typically produce more females
-Strong pattern despite continental variation in lifestyle, wealth
Why are birth sex ratios male-biased?
-In most global populations, more sons than daughters are born (51.2 - 51.4%) – 106 males for 100 females
-males survive less well than females from birth to age 5
What is the human sex ratio from conception to birth?
-Analysed data from: 3 day to 6 day old embryos, induced abortions, chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis and foetal deaths and live births
-SR at conception is 0.5 so exactly 50:50 (parity)
Are sons or daughters more costly to produce?
-Sons are physiologically more demanding to produce than daughters (faster intrauterine growth, heavier birth weight, longer IBI)
What happens to females with a male co-twins?
-Human females with a male co-twin have reduced fitness:
- reduced probability of marriage
What is the reproductive rate of success of sons?
-their reproductive rate may be higher
- Males have higher reproductive potential, but also greater variance in reproductive success
What is the Trivers-Willard hypotehsis?
a)a mother’s investment influences the physical conditionof her young into adulthood and
b) reproductive success is influenced by condition
c) mothers are predicted to invest in offspring according to their own condition
-Mothers in good condition are usually expected to favour sons, because body size in males is more important for competitive ability.
What happened in Ethiopia? (the effect of nutrition on sex ratios)
-Oromo agro-pastoralist community in southern Ethiopia
What is the case of social ranking and sex ration in Rwanda?
-Rwandan society allows polygynous marriage
What is the biased maternal investment?
Three possible stages:
a) Conception b) Before birth c) After birth
What are the sex ratios in gypsies vs hungarians?
How can mothers influence these sex ratios in the gypsy and hungarian example?
What should the benefits from investment be like for gypsies and Hungarians?
What are the mechanisms of sex ratio adjustment?
- Primary sex ratio could be adjusted by two means:
1. Differential production of X- and Y-bearing sperm
2. Differential fertilisation success of X- and Y-bearing sperm
How does Differential production of X- and Y-bearing sperm work?
- Differential production of X- and Y-bearing sperm
How does 2. Differential fertilisation success of X versus Y sperm work?
Increased copulation frequency should lead to insemination earlier in the cycle and therefore higher sex ratio?
- Population-levels biases in offspring sex ratios are uncommon, because of the evolutionary benefits to production of the rarer sex
- Adaptive benefits to biased production at an individual level will depend on relative costs of production and fitness returns (eg Trivers-Willard)
- Mechanisms of sex ratio adjustment remain poorly understood