Lecture 12 (Anxiolytics) Flashcards
What do you call drugs used to treat anxiety?
and sleep disordors?
What is anxiety?
Anxiety – anticipatory fear response, which is often independent of external events
Name some anxiety disorders? (6)
-Panic disorder, overwhelming fear with marked somatic symptoms
-Social anxiety disorder
-Post-traumatic stress disorder
-Obsessive compulsive disorder
-Generalised anxiety (no clear reason or focus)
Name the two animal models of anxiety and describe them? (4)
Elevated plus maze/cross
Elevated cross maze has open and closed size, rodents tend to walk up to closed size due to fear of open side
When you give it anti anxiety drugs the rodents no longer have a preference and are happy to go to open side
Light/Dark Box
Light and dark box, rodents have tenancy to hide in the dark side of the box
When treated with anxiolytic they have no preference and are happy to move to light side
What happens when you associate treat with something bad while animal is on anxiolytics?
-With anxiolytic they will go for treat regardless
-When treated with drugs that stop them from feeling the pain, they will still avoid the treat
-Antidepressant also mean that they continue to show fear responses
Which receptors are targets for anxiolytics?
GABAa receptors
What are the 5 binding sites of GABAa? (5)
and are they allosteric of orthosteric? (5)
GABA - Orthosteric
Ethanol - Allosteric
Benzodiazapene - Allosteric
Barbiturate - Allosteric
Neurosteroids - Allosteric
What is the orthosteric binding site responsible for?
Switching one signal/receptor
What type of receptors are GABAa?
and what do they mediate?
Ionotropic receptors
Mediate fast inhibitory transmission
(Activation leads to hyper-polarisation and reduction in Excitability)
Name an agonist in GABAa for allosteric and orthosteric sites? (2)
Orthosteric - muscimol
Allosteric - diazepam
How did scientists identify which subunit is needed to mediate the anxiolytic effects of benzodiazepines?
-Studies in transgenic mice “knock in” mutated in alpha 2 receptor in GABAa
-Benzodiazepines no longer effective
What are the physiological effects benzodiazepine agonists? (5)
(decreased responsiveness to constant level of stimulation)
(latency of sleep onset is decreased, duration stage 2 (non-rem) sleep increased, duration of rem sleep decreased)
(duration of slow-wave (associated with sleep walking and night terrors) sleep decreased)
-Anterograde Amnesia (e.g rohypnol)
-Anti-convulsant (inhibit spread of epileptiform activity)
-Reduction of muscle tone (mediated at level of spinal chord)
Which GABAa subunit is in drugs for anxiety and sleep? (2)
-Anti-anxiety drugs involve receptors in alpha 2 subunit
-For sleep-based drugs alpha 1
What kind of allosteric receptors are benzodiazepines?
Benzodiazepines are positive allosteric regulators of GABAa receptors
What do benzodiazepines do? (2)
-Increase activity of GABAA receptor
-Increase Cl- current across membrane (but only in presence of GABA)
What do you call drugs that increase anxiety?
(e.g Beta carboline, negative allosteric regulator of GABAa)
How do positive and negative allosteric modulators (PAM/NAM) effect GABA?
Positive types increase the response of the receptor by increasing the probability that an agonist will bind to a receptor (i.e. affinity), increasing its ability to activate the receptor (i.e. efficacy), or both.
Negative allosteric modulators have opposite effect and rescue affinity of receptor for agonist at orthosteric site
What are adverse effects of Benzodiazepines agonists? (5)
-Tolerance, decreased responsiveness to a drug following continuous exposure
-Physical dependence characterised by withdrawal
How can Benzodiazepine agonists have fatal adverse effects?
Can have adverse effects with other CNS depressants such as alcohol
What are barbiturates used for?
Sleep drugs
What happens with high concentrations of barbiturates?
Barbiturates as you go up in concentrations they behave as agonists at orthosteric sites which can lead to death (e.g used in death penalty)
What are other anxiolytics other than benzodiazepines? (3)
-Beta blockers (e.g propanolol)
-Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) (e.g sertraline)
What does drug choice depend on?
Drug choice depends on underlying cause & whether short term or chronic