Lecture 11- small & large intestine Flashcards
What are the three subdivisions of the small intestine ?
What is the ileocaecal sphincter?
transition between the small and large intestine
How much nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine?
What is present in the mucosa in small intestine?
simple columnar epithelium and microvilli
What is present in the submucosa in small intestine?
intestinal glands
What are plicae?
transverse folds of the intestinal lining
What are villi?
fingerlike projections of the mucosa
What are intestinal glands in the small intestine lined by?
li enteroendocrine cells
goblet cells
stem cells
What is the purpose of mucosal folds in the jejunum?
circular folds which increase the surface area, and aid in mixing ingesta
Villi in small intestine
mucosa forms multitude of projections that protrude into the lumen and are covered with epithelial cells
lumenal plasma membrane of absorptive epithelial cells is studded with densely-packed microvilli
Duodenum overview
closest to the stomach
25cm long
“mixing bowl”
Duodenum secretions
submucosal glands secrete enterogasterones
brunner’s glands (duodenal glands)- alkaline mucous secretions for protection
What is the function of the duodenum?
receives chyme from the stomach
neutralises acids before they can damage absorptive surfaces of small intestine
Jejunum overview
middle section of small intestine
2.5m long
has few plicae
small villi
What mostly takes place in the jejunum?
chemical digestion
nutrient absorption
Ileum overview
final section of small intestine
3.5m long
ends at the ileocaecal valve ( a sphincter that controls the flow of material from ileum to large intestine
What is the function of the ileum?
absorbs vit B12
absorbs bile salts
What are intestinal villi covered in?
simple columnar epithelium
Intestinal glands of small intestine
mucous cells between columnar epithelium cells
eject mucins onto intestinal surface
What are crypts of lieberkuhn
openings from intestinal glands:
to intestinal lumen
at bases of villi
are entrances for brush border enzymes
What are brush border enzymes
integral membrane proteins
on surfaces of intestinal microvilli
What is the function of brush border enzymes?
break down materials in contact with brush border
What are duodenal glands also called?
brunner’s glands
Brunner’s glands
secrete a lot of alkaline mucous for protection
What is the function of intestinal secretions?
moisten chyme
assist in buffering acids
keep digestive enzymes and products of digestion in solution
What intestinal movements occur in the small intestine?
weak peristaltic contractions move chyme slowly toward jejunum
What reflexes occur?
gastro- enteric reflex
gastro-ileal reflex
What does the gastro-enteric reflex do?
stimulates motility and secretion along the entire small intestine
What does the gastro-ileal reflex do?
triggers relaxation of ileocaecal valve
allows materials to pass from small to large intestine
Large intestine
between terminal ileum and anus
What are the functions of the large intestine?
reabsorb water
compact materials into faeces
absorb vits k, biotin and B5
store fecal matter
What are the 3 major segments of the large intestine?
caecum + appendix
What is the function of the caecum?
compaction of fecal matter
What are the four segments of the colon?
ascending (retroperitoneal)
transverse (peritoneal)
descending (retroperitoneal)
sigmoid (peritoneal)
What is the function of the rectum?
terminates faeces at the anal canal
Rectum muscles
internal (smooth muscle):
external (skeletal muscle):
anal sphincters
Histology of large intestine
absence of villi
goblet cells present
deep intestinal glands
What motility occurs in the large intestine?
haustral contractions- slow segmental movements every 30 mins
mass movements- long slow movements, 3/4 times a day- move contents to rectum
What triggers the rectum to defecate?
How is the defecation reflex initiated?
stretching of rectal wall following mass movements from sigmoid colon
Defecation reflexes
long and short reflexes
initial involuntary contraction of external anal sphincter
followed by voluntary relaxing of sphincter if necessary
How much water approx enters the digestive tract daily?