Lecture 11- small & large intestine Flashcards
What are the three subdivisions of the small intestine ?
What is the ileocaecal sphincter?
transition between the small and large intestine
How much nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine?
What is present in the mucosa in small intestine?
simple columnar epithelium and microvilli
What is present in the submucosa in small intestine?
intestinal glands
What are plicae?
transverse folds of the intestinal lining
What are villi?
fingerlike projections of the mucosa
What are intestinal glands in the small intestine lined by?
li enteroendocrine cells
goblet cells
stem cells
What is the purpose of mucosal folds in the jejunum?
circular folds which increase the surface area, and aid in mixing ingesta
Villi in small intestine
mucosa forms multitude of projections that protrude into the lumen and are covered with epithelial cells
lumenal plasma membrane of absorptive epithelial cells is studded with densely-packed microvilli
Duodenum overview
closest to the stomach
25cm long
“mixing bowl”
Duodenum secretions
submucosal glands secrete enterogasterones
brunner’s glands (duodenal glands)- alkaline mucous secretions for protection
What is the function of the duodenum?
receives chyme from the stomach
neutralises acids before they can damage absorptive surfaces of small intestine
Jejunum overview
middle section of small intestine
2.5m long
has few plicae
small villi
What mostly takes place in the jejunum?
chemical digestion
nutrient absorption
Ileum overview
final section of small intestine
3.5m long
ends at the ileocaecal valve ( a sphincter that controls the flow of material from ileum to large intestine