Lecture 11: Protein Structure & Function Part 3 - Enzymes Flashcards
- Catalytic proteins that speed up cellular reactions to allow life
- Most are catalytic proteins, but there are catalytic RNAs called ribozymes
- Don’t affect ΔG
- They cannot make a reaction occur spontaneously if it’s thermodynamically unfavorable
- They cannot alter the concentration of reactants and products in a reaction mixture that is at equilibrium
- They cannot not extract more useful energy per mole of reactants - they can only extract it faster
- Determine the rates of nearly all the chemical transformations that make or break covalent bonds in cells
- They reduce the activation energy in a reaction
- The energy of the reactants and the products are the same as without a catalyst
- Enzymes don’t affect thermodynamics of reaction
Enzymes as catalysts
- Is only required in small amounts
- Must be left unchanged at the end of a reaction, so that it can cycle back to bind more substrate
- Catalyzes equally the forward and reverse reactions
- Can increase the rate of a reaction by 10^8 to 10^12 fold
Enzyme-substrate binding
- Enzyme function begins by binding the substrate (S) through reversible, weak bonding to a stereo-specific active site (i.e. 3D-shape of substrate matters)
- This forms an enzyme-substrate complex
- Substrate is chemically converted to product, forming an enzyme-product complex
- Finally, the product is released and the enzyme can bind another molecule of substrate
Enzyme Kinetics
- Vmax = rate when enzyme is saturated with substrate
- KM = “Michaelis constant”; equal to the dissociation constant for the enzyme-substrate complex; when reached, it accounts for half the Vmax
- Low KM = enzyme has a high affinity for its substrate
- In general, the value of the KM of an enzyme lies within its substrate’s natural concentration range
- If KM is too high or too low, the rate of the reaction won’t change very much and the cell won’t be able to respond to changes in substrate concentration
- Rate = Vmax × [S] / (KM + [S])
What does enzyme binding do?
- Substrate molecules must pass through a series of intermediate states in which:
-> 3D geometry of reactants needs to be adjusted for optimal interaction
-> Electrons among reacting atoms must begin to become redistributed
Intermediate states have higher energy than reactants or products, so they are unstable
-> There can be several intermediate states
A + B —> A—B (unstable transition state) —> C + D
Transition states
- An intermediate term between product and reactant, with a specific structure
- Enzymes function by stabilizing specific transition states of the structure (lowering their energy)
- > As they react, substrates will go through a start with a higher energy level before the reaction occurs
- > This state has higher energy than either reactants or products
- > The energy needed to reach it is the major part of the activation energy for the reaction
- > Enzymes stabilize transition states and thus lower activation energy, which speeds up the reaction
What are mechanisms that enzymes use to stabilize transition states?
1) The enzyme binds to two substrate molecules and orients them precisely to encourage a reaction between them
2) Binding of the substrate to the enzyme rearranges electrons in the substrate, creating partial negative and partial positive charges that favor a reaction
3) The enzyme strains the bound substrate, forcing it toward a transition state to favor a reaction
Prosthetic groups/Cofactors
- Non-protein molecules which aid in some protein function
- > They can be covalently and non-covalently bound by the protein
- > Hemoglobin uses heme as a prosthetic group for oxygen transport
- Are referred to as cofactors (e.g. Mg+2 is a critical cofactor for enzymes that join or cleave nucleic acids)
- Organic molecules that act as cofactors
- > Vitamins are frequently these or their precursors
- > All these are cofactors, all cofactors are prosthetic groups, but not all prosthetic groups are these
Molecular tunnels
- Some enzymes perform multiple sub-reactions, that must occur at distinct active sites
- Structures of such enzymes many act as tunnels to direct the intermediate products from one active site to the next - the intermediates never leave the enzyme
- This prevents diffusion of intermediates, prevents decomposition of unstable molecules and speeds up reaction rates
- Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase: 3 active sites connected by molecular tunnels
Multi-enzyme complexes
- Most metabolic pathways require reactions to occur in specific, highly regulated order with different enzymes
- Enzymes in the pathway may be organized into higher-order multi-enzyme complexes (non-covalently associated)
- > Multi-enzyme complexes are not the same as multi-subunit enzymes
- > In multi-enzyme complexes, each enzyme can function independently
- The product of the 1st enzyme is passed to the 2nd enzyme, where it’s the substrate and so on
- This prevents diffusion of the products, and allows for coordinated regulation of the pathway
- > Being part of a complex, metabolic pathways can function more efficiently
Enzymes are tightly regulated
- Enzymes must be able to respond rapidly to changing cellular and extracellular conditions
- Many enzymes aren’t constitutively active, and so must be turned on when needed (and off when not needed)
- Regulation of key enzymes often involves multiple inputs - back to the idea of molecular integrators
- > Enzymes need to be able to recognize multiple inputs in order to be regulated efficiently
Feedback Control
- When a downstream product regulates an upstream enzyme in a given pathway
- Mostly negative feedback, but sometimes positive feedback
- Negative feedback is when one of the products of a reaction will turn off an enzyme after enough is made
- ATP is a substrate of phosphofructokinase, a key enzyme in glycolysis, but the concentration of ATP that allows it to function is low, so when there’s high levels of ATP, phosphofructokinase shuts off
- This happens because there’s 2 ATP binding sites on phosphofructokinase
Irreversible inhibitors
- Covalently binding to an amino acid residue - usually lower Vmax by effectively inactivating and “removing” active enzyme molecules
- Rare in nature (because energetically costly to undo), but not in industry [Aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid) is an irreversible inhibitor of enzymes COX-1 and COX-2, by acetylating a serine in the active site
Competitive reversible inhibitors
- reversibly bind to active site and compete with substrate; can be displaced by very high [S]
- Increase KM = lower “affinity”
- Doesn’t reduce Vmax
Non-competitive reversible inhibitors
- Reversibly bind away from active site to cause changes in enzyme that lowers catalytic efficiency
- Lower Vmax
- Doesn’t increase KM
- Doesn’t affect substrate binding
Covalent modification as regulation of enzymes
- These modifications are used to regulate the activity of many enzymes
- Phosphorylation allows a rapid, reversible made of regulation that can be coded by a start (usually 4-6) linear amino acid sequence
Allosteric regulation of enzyme fuction
- “Allosteric” regulator = molecule with a shape that is usually distinct from the enzyme’s natural substrate, and binds at a site away from the catalytic site
- Binding of one molecule to one region of an enzyme influences the binding of another molecule to a different region of the enzyme - conformational change in the protein structure
- Allosteric site may be part of the same protein chain as the active site, or may be in a “regulatory subunit”
- A small allosteric molecule binds to a regulatory site
- > Binding results in a change in the conformation of the catalytic site
- > Conformational changes in the catalytic site can either activate or inhibit
- > Allosteric inhibitors can have qualities of both competitive (affect substrate binding) and non-competitive (affect catalysis) inhibition
- > Non-competitive inhibitors are typically allosteric regulators
- > ATP binding phosphofructokinase is allosteric regulation
Proteins as molecular motors
- Shape changes in proteins generate movement
- But movement must be directional in order for it to be useful
- > Movement is also reversible
- Solution: Couple shape change in 1 direction with ATP hydrolysis
- > ATP —> ADP + Pi = favorable
- > ADP + Pi —> ATP = unfavorable
- So movement in only one direction is favorable because of the hydrolysis of ATP
Proteins as molecular pumps
- The ability to transport molecules across membranes is an essential property of cells that enables them to:
- > Take in nutrients
- > Export waste
- > Receive and send signals
- Proteins in cell membranes can harness the energy from:
- > ATP/GTP hydrolysis
- > Movement of ions
- > Transfer of high energy electrons
- To pump specific substances into/out of the cell or cell organelles (these are examples of active transport)
- Example: ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters
- > A class of membrane pumps that: export hydrophobic molecules out of the cell in eukaryotes and import nutrients in bacteria
- > Couples shape changes with ATP hydrolysis
- > Quaternary structure: Composed of distinct polypeptide chains that come together to form a heteromer of 4 subunits (‘tetramer’)
- > Two molecular pump subunits and two ATP-binding subunits that are identical
- Hydrolysis of ATP drives conformational changes that allows proteins to move molecules across the membrane
- > Transporter only goes in one direction; can’t go opposite direction